Freelance Sites
Does anyone have any experience/success as a service provider using any of the many freelance sites?
The problem is that it is very hard to gauge serious interest in software before it is written. If I spend hours and hours writing a plugin, post it for $5 and only sell 3 copies - it is not worth the time.
If there were a site where people can safely commit to a purchase by putting the money in escrow, then it would solve that problem.
Most of the sites I am looking at allow me to bid on a job, but what I need is to allow people to "bid" on a project I post.
There are musicians who are beginning to work in this method. They tell people they are ready to make an album, then get finincial backing beforehand from fans, then make the album and give it away for free, or mostly free, or a free version and a pay version with extra insights to the process, etc.
I like the idea Jim. I don't know where you would go to start something like that. It would be cool if it worked,