Locking The Components Panel To The Side
OK I was wondering if it would be possible to make a plugin that will lock the components panel so that it is always open maybe somthing like this.
status = UI.show_inspector "Components"
but then lock the components panel to the side of sketchup and then make it expand the full distance so that it looks like the below image but they cannot move the components panel around and it is always on the side like that.
What about the other ones though? Where would you put them?
FWIW, I have a 25 inch monitor and work with my SU screen narrower than full width. Then I put the dialog boxes outside the drawing window.
@dave r said:
What about the other ones though?
What do you mjean by the other ones, I have set it so that only the components panel can show then I am going to disable to windows panel at the top so that they cannot set anything else to apepar. I have also built my own toolbars customized to what I am doing.
By the other ones I mean what about the other browsers like Materials, Entity Info, Layers, Scenes, etc. I use those as frequently as the Components browser and I keep all of them out and just collapse the one or ones I'm not using.
well what I am doing it editting sketchup to hand out to our clients. and we dont ned to show them the layers panels etc only the components panel.
@simonstaton said:
OK I was wondering if it would be possible to make a plugin that will lock the components panel so that it is always open maybe somthing like this.
There is no control besides opening or closing them.
@jim said:
There is no control besides opening or closing them.
This is not the entire story. You can use a library like win32api.so to access the Windows API and get control over the dialogs. I'm not sure how it might work on a Mac.
I like that you had to come back and refute your own statement Jim