Is there any way for a ruby to be able to create preset animation positions or some sort, what i mean is if i have a large amount of models which are all about the same size that i would like to make video of but not want to waste too much time on placing the camera for when i export a .avi movie. I hope yall ruby masters kinda have an idea of what im saying i just wanted to through it out there.
In Windows...
Have you tried setting up one model with all the views and scenes that you want.
File> Save As Template>... Name it, Describe it, Check it as Default or Not and save it.This will save your scenes and styles but not the model.
To open a Template you have to go into ...
Window> Preferences>... then Templates> and choose the one you want to use.
File> New>Build your next model.
There may be an easier way but that's the way I do it.
Thats not a bad method. You could even copy and paste models into the template.
There is also the PageExIm.rb that allows you to import and export pages or scenes from one model to another. So you could set up your scenes how you like them, then export them. Then you have a file with your scene and camera info all ready. And you can import it to any model you would like.
http://www.smustard.com/script/PageExIm - $5.00
Thanks guys see this is great i appreciate it.