Layout 2 ruby scripts
Hello all,
I've been working on using Layout 2 and SketchUp for about 3 weeks now, and found this forum around that time. With searching, I've learned that ruby scripts are not compatible with Layout 2 (yet). But, it seems like the devs at google are interested in what we want from ruby scripts. So, I'll explain my problem, perhaps that'll explain what is wanted with ruby scripts for layout.
I'm one of the research and development engineers for a manufacturer of HVAC ducting. HVAC is built like a jigsaw puzzle in that all the pieces need to be made at the factory, shipped to the site, and fit together. To help with the process, we join the tees and elbows together at out factory for some of our clients to make this easier for them. It's easier to make a joint in the factory then it is at a construction site. I'd give you examples sketches, but well that's confidential.
So, the way I've done this is design a model showing all the ductwork, going everywhere it's supposed to. Then we take that model, and insert joint locations at the various spots that the contractor will have to make joints. Then we separate the pieces as different layers.
This is where layout scripting could really help. I need to take the layers, manually turn on and off each visible layer and create a new scene with such layers. So far, I could use sketchup ruby scripts to help. Then i need to upload all of those individual scenes into Layout and put them on our title block. This creates a problem. Sometimes I have 100 or so pieces. I can upload my model and create a new page for each and every scene, but that'll take a ton of time. Plus I've got to still find the correct scale to fit into my model, edit my title block and add in the piece number and the scale that I used, plus add in additional information to the model (such as what the pipe diameter is). I have to do this for every piece in my model, one at a time, by hand until I'm done with the last piece.
Now some of that has to be done manually, and I understand. But a simple script could handle a lot of this.
To summarize:
A.) Something that can create a page for every scene in a model. So something like
layout.pages[m].model.view =[n]
would help.B.) Something that would recognize the scale of my model and put it into text.
textbox.text = layout.pages[m].model.scale.to_s
C.) Something that could recognize my model's scene name and could use it.
textbox.text = model.pages[m].name
D.) A simple script that could copy a model and make a view.
layout.model.view.copy layout.model.view.move = layout.model.view.width layout.model.view.change
E.) Finally, a way to change the style of layers in layout (rather then making two copies of the same image superimposed), so that way I can keep my model with the walls of the building as a lighter color and the ducting as a darker color, highlighting the ducting. Then be able to edit that with rubies.
Moved to layout wish list, seems more appropriate
Good suggestions btw, keep 'em coming. Im sure the chaps over at google will be interested to hear your suggestions.