Commercials - how
Does anyonw in here know which programs are often used by commercials ?
The commercials I have in mind are thoes small clips in TV, where text pops up, and slowly gets bigger or moved and effects like that.
Could one of them be Adobe After Effects ?
After effects is used for compositing and effects and is probably used in commercial production quite a bit. The actual 3D text animation is probably done in a program like 3ds Max, Maya or Cinema 4D. Lower priced programs could also do it...such as Xara 3D, Adobe Flash, or Blender.
Hi Earthmover and Solo
Thanks both for your input. Hmm toonboom is looking alot like Flash...
If you just want to put text effects over still images or maybe a slideshow with various transitions effects, rather than actual movie footage, you could consider something like Swish...Flash without the pain. The effects can be quite sophisticated and virtually drag and drop. You could then export as avi and splice into whatever animation you already have.