Sounds like something I'd be interested in, any more spaces left on the beta team?
Is there a way of animating water too?
Thanks for posting this Prince. Looks interesting.
Do you think Hypermove is suited for architectural animation ? (...including walking people (animated textures), cars driving etc?....) -
@solo said:
Sounds like something I'd be interested in, any more spaces left on the beta team?
Is there a way of animating water too?
I have no idea, they liked my previous animation, that's all I can say
. Hmm, I don't think water animation is something easily achieved.. Certainly no realflow feature anyway.. Progress is lightning fast though, and they take all suggestions into account.
@kwistenbiebel said:
Thanks for posting this Prince. Looks interesting.
Do you think Hypermove is suited for architectural animation ? (...including walking people (animated textures), cars driving etc?....)Certainly hypermove is suited to smooth architectural walkthroughs, with things like opening doors, lights and yes moving cars. Rigging people on the other hand would be far more difficult and time consuming.. I think this is the animation tool you have always wanted though kwisten
. Give me another week or two before I come to any firm conclusions though..
Edit: Animated textures are also possible, and after doing a quick search on them I must say they are v. interesting. Water, people, and obvious things like tv screens can all be implemented using animated textures
Does it have lights?
Or is it still only lighted through HDR images?
If so thats a major drawback for interiors.
My earlier tests was very dissapointing in this regard.
Very hard to get good and noise free interior lighting. -
@pixero said:
Does it have lights?
Or is it still only lighted through HDR images?Yes, it has directional, point and spot lights. These can all be animated just like any object too. For instance you could be holding a torch, guiding you through your house.
funny i managed to get a licensed to tewst hypermove to beta test it for a month now. but i havenot activated it fearing it will expire when i ma busy. therefor i have not done it so.
what interest me most is not the animation part of it. but its point lights. any further feedback on this DC especually in lighting interior? do you like them?
Was hoping to do something a good bit better, but HM crashed and so I lost what I was working on. Don't feel like starting again so will do something with lights next.
The banding is the result of a poor compression mode I chose from a list. Will use Divx next time.
Architectural Lighting Test - made with one spotlight
Hmm, I never came across this. The animations look good!
Well PDC is the man to ask about the ins and outs of HyperMove and I imagine he would be delighted to show more of his work. I'll PM him and see if he has any new stuff for us to view.
Nothing new for the moment..