Spiders skylines
Acropolis and the Push-Pull city renders have an unusually pleasing style. Thanks for posting, they are very enjoyable.
Very nice work spider74,
Just for info, could you tell me the max size of this files? and how many faces (by model info) you have.
I just want to draw something similar but my files are huge.
Thank x yout time,
Whats your process on the acropolis city. I've been thinking through how to automate building a city very similar to that with ruby. Id be interested to hear how you approach the layout and building form.
Sanbort and Chris Fullmer.....first my file size 6.28,edges 65057 and faces23295...thats as big as i could go with sampadoria city.....
chris with the acropolis city and sampadoria cities they are just made up as i go along as is every thing i do from the bridge skyscraper to the cities...........for acropolis i first wanted a hill as i crap at terrain i built on boxes and kept going(had athens in mind)..then started coastline same with sampadoria...just work from my head.....for the buildings i pushpull them from the ground,add roof and some detail,zoom out see how it looks and then zoom in in and repeat....turn on sun in s.u for shadows ,render in kerky,put in black background for big contrast,i dont bother with any settings for render ,just reflection in water.....all very basic really,i just know as i go along how i want it to look..........my advise go to skyscraperpage.forum...find miscellaneous....you will see google sketchup section...inside you will find push/pull city by me toyota74...you will see how i begun ....plus there are loads of cities there by other people...well worth a visit...
commie blocks
more buildings....
lastest buildings sketchup-kerky
models for ssp-city in skyscraperpage.
Its all looking very good. I also thought I'd let you know that we have started making a city generator plugin for SU. Once we get it up and running I hope you'll play with it! It has its own sub forum in the Ruby forum. Right now it is a bit messy and oriented more for ruby scripters, but soon it should be cleaned up a little, so you can start to play with it:
first attempts at mag levs....
Crazy site the http://forum.skyscraperpage.com
And your Push Pull city -
Your cities are very impressive
I especially like the one against the water, and the acropolis is awesome too!
I like those first images with many different shapes.
Your very creative and shouldn't stop making them. -
under construction shot
cant belive i had to manually type these image locations cos my
right click to paste in img tags wont work lately in this forum.. -
more sketch up buildings
sketch up tower
Very nice!
Some are visible the rest only half of it, maybe a provider problem who knows. But even this way these look brilliant.