... Very Cool Sketchupblog(s):
I stumbled on this nice tutorial/ tips 'nd tricks website called
http://sketchupartists.wordpress.com/Apparently Mateo and James are behind it.
Great work guys!
The tutorials are great, even for advanced Sketchup users and the Blog layout is very well done.I thought I'd share as it might be useful for a lot of people here.
Kwistenbiebel -
Yeah, I stumbled on it the other day and to my surprise found one of my images there.
Ouch....better contact them.
Another great sketchup blog with useful info:
It has some information that is not present on the sketchucation forum. -
I would like to jump in and shamelessly plug my own site! (Click the link in my signature)
In the next week, I am reposting all of the current videos in HD
That is a great find and surprisingly there are some advanced tutorials that are on SCF that are posted there as well. Great site.