Checkerboard painting ? (or selection)
Very cool speedy start!
Does it be adaptable to this? Thx Zorro2 by Whaat
(click image for no Scroll bar)
Yes, it will do non-quadrangular crossed lines, but it won't do faces that don't have 4 sides. For your example, make your starting face much larger than in needs to be, and then use a pattern to get the shape you want. Extrude the pattern, group, move into position, intersect_selected, remove the bits you don't want, and bingo - Happy Valentines day!
I think I'll put a user interface on it to allow you to pick the color, or colors, and to swap the colors if you don't get the starting square color where you wanted it.
@unknownuser said:
Yes, it will do non-quadrangular crossed lines, but it won't do faces that don't have 4 sides.
And very cool trick for the no four roses faces
@ Todd : I am desolated to say that Chris Fulmer had create a ruby script that make exactly that asked at the first post (and more: any selections of form of facets)
I am so sorry for you
You have shown the way!
Good for you and good for him!
I'm still working on my user interface.
Frenchy, mine doesn't do what Todd's does. Mine just randomly applies pre-selected color. Todd's makes a checkerboard like you asked for. I was making one for Equadorian who asked to have per-selected colors applied randomly to selected faces. So while they are similar, they are different. And I'm sure Todd's is going to be much more user friendly, and his menu probably won't end up in a never ending loop like mine likes to
Ok I understand you pick facets in any order!
It's a pity
So you are both winners -
where is the download link?
Not yet released but you can try this one
@unknownuser said:
Not yet released but you can try this one
lol, come on, it was already said that Random Painter isnt able to create a checkbox pattern, since, of course, its randon