Getting into Design(Architectural)
Hi all i am writing this because in my short experience in being a member on these forums i have noticed that many of you are in some sort of design and architectural drafting group.
I dropped out of highschool in year 12 after a couple of months because i was having difficulties at home and i have been in a few jobs since, now that the opportunity has presented itself i would like to undertake a course in the architectural industry, preferably a cheap one (like here ).
What i need to know is how i could prepare for an interview and/or organize a portfolio, or any other inbetween courses i could take???
I have had an aspiration to Architectural design and Urban planning ever since i can remember (my mom says since i found out about them [4years]).
if you would like to see a small example of a house im modelling for my moms boyfriend just go to , i hope you all like it....
You are choosing to enter a very competitive field.
My suggestion is finish highschool - it will open a lot more doors for you.
DE -
DE is right.
What sort of interview are you talking about? To be accepted into the school?
For portfolios. I have found a good quality (zippered with rings, plastic sleeves) binder of 11 x 17 approx. size is a good place to start. Then be prepared with a few rolled large scale drawings. I would have both complete reduced sheets and normal scale detail drawings. If you've ever completed a set of plans (I drew them by copying before I had a job) bring those. Don't bring in a pile of things, start simple. Use the correct media and show finished prints, not sketches on graph paper or whatever. Of course you should also prepare CD's or on-screen presentations if you get the chance to show or leave them. Content is just dependent on what you've got--and what they are looking to see.
For school entrance interviews, avail yourself of any counseling the institution itself or even your former high school etc. can provide. Do some complete projects from design to physical model or pieces of furniture, so you have something to photograph.
If you're talking about looking for a drafting position, I doubt you will be asked to sit down and do some lettering, which I was asked to do when I first went looking! Nothing I had at that point would be as much interest to them as what I could produce and how I was perceived as a person. Like any job, preparing to present yourself for the interview is most important. Good luck.
I'm not sure if you noticed but one of the acceptance criteria is that you have your year 12 completed.
I suggest getting your high school diploma and going off to an acredited college.
You also need to give this a lot more thought, do your due dilligence regarding what you can achieve with such a certification, I noticed it listed a draft person/technician as a likely outcome, that translates to 'grunt', every large architectural firm has them and they generally hate their jobs as it's boring repetitive work that the higher qualified guys delegate down the lines.
I noticed you have shown an interest in Kitchen and bath design, why not complete your basic schooling and joining a company like Home depot or Lowes then after a year enrolling for an NKBA certification as a kitchen/bath designer which will be paid by your employer (on successful completion of qualification they require you to stay in their employment a year before leaving)
The NKBA is a good organisation to be affiliated with (I have a CKD certification with them as it gives me credibility when designing kitchens which is not my primary work but none the less when I do get projects that require kitchen designs I'm normally shortlisted in the bid due only to that certification) and they have levels of certification right up to masters level, not only that but they also assist you in getting employement.Good luck
- edit * You are in the USA right? if not my above advice is almost useless.
your actually right Solo i don't live in the US i live in australia....
with the part of going back to do year 12 and get my VCE it is virtually impossible the courses require you to be between the ages of 16 and 19 and sadly i am now 20..
although there is a seperate requirements list for mature age applicants (21 years even though adults here are 18)
@unknownuser said:
Selection mode: Interview. See Extra requirements for specifics.
Extra requirements:
Interview (some applicants only): Applicants must telephone (03) 9286 9401 to book an interview time by 2 November (Late applicants by 30 November). Applicants must attend interviews in November (Late applicants in December).
this is all the information i have got on the interview, but i still believe that i may need to do more than an interview..
also thankyou for the quick tute on the portfolio, i may not need it but i sure will do one just in case, and ill try to do my best, but i have until november to do it if i want to do that specific course..
University is not really an option for me i just dont have that money lying around, infact i have no money since i got sick and need to get my act together...
thankyou all for your help in this....