"Repaint.rb" gone? Anything similar?
Hello. There was a ruby called "repaint" at Ruby library depot but even though it is still listed, it can not be downloaded (it is hi-lighted in green, so I assume there is something going on with it). Does anyone know if it has been pulled by it's creator or is it just not working at RLD, or perhaps is there something available that works in a similar manner. Basically I'm just looking to replace some textures in a fairly large model and it would be a real bummer to do it by hand. The description of "repaint" at RLD seemed to be what I needed. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
Oh, right. I meant it's not there and go to smustard.com to get it.
Thank you, Jim and RickW! It was coming up as "object not found-404 error" at RLD but the link that Jim sent worked fine! For the moment it serves my purpose and worked alright. If it gets buggy I will get the Smustard version! Thank you for the help!!
I just realized who RickW is... er, does that mean that the RLD version is not legit? I'm confused.
I think the RLD tries to link back to smustard scripts instead of actually host them on the RLD. That was the RLD does not have to update their database each time a smustard script is updated.
@unknownuser said:
I just realized who RickW is... er, does that mean that the RLD version is not legit? I'm confused.
The original version of Repaint predates Smustard and was released on the SketchUp-hosted forums. When Smustard was formed, I updated several of the older forum-released scripts to fix bugs, add features, and generally make them a bit better.
The RLD version is the forum-released version. It's "legit", but outdated. Since I provide support for my scripts, I generally like everyone to have the most recent version possible so I'm not trying to troubleshoot a problem I already fixed
If you want to use the RLD version, that's fine, but be aware that I'll suggest you update if you run into problems.
You need to go to Smustard to get the current version. Didier was linking back to Smustard for all our scripts, but I guess that one escaped notice.
The version at RLD is older, and has bugs that have since been fixed.
Hi there, sorry to take so long to respond. I got busy and was away from the computer for a fews days. thanks for the response RickW and Chris Fullmer. I used repaint to replace one texture(the pinkish marble in the picture) in a very large model and it worked. I really have to go shopping at Smustard soon there are so many cool scripts there!