DWanimations | Vray winner | New render
hi dirk ive seen your work since your first post on vray for skp gallery, and i like your style, more on interiors, but the exterior for me its too flat, or maybe thats the concept of the visual design, i mean its only my opinion, but on interiors i think you make a great work,,,also your web page its really cool..see ya bro.
@tinanne said:
Dirk, nice presentation. Congratulations.
Although, I must say... the arrows have a resemblance to a certain male biological matter.... (please don't make me say it!)
That is great. I got the same impression, but I figured that it was just my own warped sense of humor. Either Tinanne is also warped or this is an indication that the perception could be wide spread. Anyhow it provided a good laugh.
Nice presentation technique and Congratulations. -
thanks for all the reactions...
You find my exterior stile to flat... ? Than I would really be interested in explaining what you ment whit that and advice me how to do it better.
Thanks all
Goodlooking image, Dirk.
I spotted spelling errors, though (and the use of capital letters is odd, too). As a customer, I would not be pleased with those.
Congratulations on winning that contest. Helemaal verdiend.
Being dyslexic simply isn't an excuse if you are doing this professionally.
John's right, Dirk. Look, I get it. I got dyscalculia. Couldn't do maths with a gun pointed at my head. So I use a calculator.
Besides, in this case the text is an integral part of "the work", isn't it? Just have someone check it.
Oke thanks
i mean its a little desaturated, no contrast on colors, etc, also the render quality its just ok, compare to your interiors,,,please dont take this the wrong way, i just feel to say this because i think you can make it better, but this is only my point of view and i can be wrong,,,anyway this is a good job!