My mother is a finalist at Amazon.
Hi Kris - like Pete; "long time no see!" Glad you popped in.
I'll also have alook (although not promising anything
Cool! I was able to download the free PDF from Amazon without problems. Most downloadables are not available outside the U.S., but this one is.
I don't even have an Amazon account
Trying to register... -
thanks everyone... good to talk to you all... if anyone would like the full book just pm me. and I'll set you up with a pdf.
I was just asking about you a month ago or so. Good to "see" you again.
hey Ron... how are things? good to see you as well... that's one of the reasons I stopped posting, too many conversations were about "me" and not Sketchup, that and this place was as addictive as crack... I get so much more done in my day now...
I know what you mean James... 3 posts already... I see I've lost like 500 of my posts somehow.
Great to hear from you again Kris. I will check out the book soon.
ok it seems I can't count... some 850 of my posts are missing.
good to see you too Boo...
@krisidious said:
thanks everyone... good to talk to you all... if anyone would like the full book just pm me. and I'll set you up with a pdf.
Hi Kris,
I know what he mean about getting more work done when not logged into SCF. How about if we set a limit of ten post a day
Don't be a stranger
If you can spare the time I'd like to check out a PDF of your Mom's book.
@krisidious said:
hey Ron... how are things? good to see you as well... that's one of the reasons I stopped posting, too many conversations were about "me" and not Sketchup, that and this place was as addictive as crack... I get so much more done in my day now...
Things are great, thanks. I too, am getting a lot more done now that I'm limiting my posts.