Motor - Different Rotations!
this doesn't have aything to do with sketchyphysics, post somehwere else.
@hobbnob said:
this doesn't have aything to do with sketchyphysics, post somehwere else.
Why not?
I'm using a option called 'Motor' which comes with sketchyphysics, and I'm have problems getting it to work properly..
You need to use the "Join Connector" to connect the motor to your group. Do this for every group that needs to turn. Use a negative number in "MaxAccet" to rotate the other way. use one motor per group.
re-explain what you are trying to do, because it looks like you're trying to get something to rotate, which as i said before, has nothing to do with sketchyphysics
@alienizer said:
You need to use the "Join Connector" to connect the motor to your group. Do this for every group that needs to turn. Use a negative number in "MaxAccet" to rotate the other way. use one motor per group.
I did that, but its either buggy as hell or I am doing something wrong, or you don't understand what my problem is..
for these 'professionals' that think they can do it on MY model, go ahead
I've done what you said, (Which I've done for several times before), make each object that needs to turn, as a Group, then add a motor, and connect it to that group by using the joint connector.
Alright, seems easy, but there needs more fixing then just 'this'
EDIT: This is a small movie of the ride I trying to make, notice how it turns, thats what I mean / want to make
Link: -
The only problem I can think of is that you have group your groups. Motors inside a group will no longer turn.
@alienizer said:
The only problem I can think of is that you have group your groups. Motors inside a group will no longer turn.
Nah, I do not place any motor in any group.
What I do is: Select an object, make it a group, then unselect the group, place the motor on the object I've made a group, and then connect them together.
If you want to take a look, let me know^^ (If you are experienced enough of course)
I've also exploded any component / group, so it becomes unique again, and then, as I said, make it a group again to make sure there ain't a group within a group.. If that's even possible.. lol
just after a brief look at the description, the only thing i can really decide upon is that you have two connected to the same joint. That won't work with controlled joints. Use a separate joint for each object
The other thing is, if you copy/paste an object that's already join to a motor, so will the copy, and you'll need to de-select it using the Join tool again, use Ctrl to add and Shift to remove when you click the object. Or else it will try to rotate from it's current position to around the motor it's join to, and it may not even move at all. It all get screwy at that point. So make sure you have the right object join to the right motor, and not join to more than one motor.
If you still can't make it work, I can take a look at your project.
Each object is connected to 1 motor, each object is having his own motor.
And I haven't copy + pasted ANYTHING
Ok, I will PM you Alienizer.
I found a way to do it. You must group the motors from your small rotating objects with the main rotating object. I'll PM you a demo...
Of course, as said before, Thank you very much for taking YOUR time getting it done.
Keep up the good work!