Updated All my Scripts (literally)
Hi, I find that I am writing lots of small, but useful scripts and I am cluttering my own Plugins menu and probably everyone else's. So I recently re-wrote all my scripts so that they organize themselves into a single sub-menu - "Chris Fullmer Tools" as shown in the image below.
Here is a list of all my plugins. I didn't want to bump each one since its really a minor update, but overall its worth noting in a single post like this I think. So please go redownload these scripts and they will all re-organize themselves. Thanks!
Loose Geometry to Groups
Greeble 2
Random Painter
Color by Z
OnScreen Display
Select Lines by Length
3 Lines Tools
Components onto Faces
OR, if you prefer to use organizer.rb from smustard to organize your scripts, these are all still compatible with it. I wrote in code to make sure they should all work with organizer.Hope that helps,
Cool thing!
You must also say to kill Greeble beta (cfl_Greeble)
And that random painter works only on V7; -
Thats is so much neater, nice work.
Thanks -
Thanks Chris, how very neat of you.
@unknownuser said:
Cool thing!
You must also say to kill Greeble beta (cfl_Greeble)
And that random painter works only on V7;Ah yes, clf_greeble.rb is obsolete now and can be deleted if you have it installed (which I noticed in one of your screenshots Frenchy that it was still installed). Just delete it. clf_greeble_2.rb is better (I hope).
And I seriously broke random painter? I am the worst script writer ever. I think I break more than I fix. Ok, I'll look into it and hopefully get it working again shortly. Thanks for checking out my scripts,
Hmm, I am not seeing anything in random painter that should not work with version 6. Make sure you have the wxSU ruby installed in 6 and progressbar also (which I assume you have).
ok, I just tested random painter in su6 and it worked fine for me, let me know if you figure it out or if there is still a problem.
i think it would be great if you put your whole updated toolset into 1 zip file for us to digest upon.
Ok Random Painter works fine also in V 6
It was the wxu : I have believed that was an outside prog and that is should not installed twice! -
any way you could make a script that could allow the user to organize the plugins where they want?
@rayochoa said:
any way you could make a script that could allow the user to organize the plugins where they want?
the million dollar question
Rick has already made a script that does that, and its pretty darn good. Its called organizer.rb . It is straightforward to use with easy scripts, but gets a little tricky when you have lots of very complex scripts. But the idea is that you install it, and then you create sub folders in the plugins folder and move all your scripts into those subfolders. Then each subfolder becomes a sub-menu of the plugins menu. Then you also must make make a list in a provided text file of all the folders it should not look at. So you don't want it to load things in folders that were created by authors.
I have written my scripts to be compatible with Ricks organizer. So if you move my script into a different subfolder (and have organizer installed), my script will load into the assigned sub-menu instead of my default submenu. I know his script is $6, but it is worth it if you want to organize scripts your own way. I hope that helps,
when will people learn. no-one will buy a script (specially a complex one) without so much as a screen shot (preferably a video) of functionality? i would love a script like this, and have actually had my pointer on the buy now a couple times, but... i have no idea if it works like i envision or
gave someone $6 for garbage. and yes i realize its $6 but its the principle. i'd rather give it to you than someone who asks for money but couldn't be bothered to post a screen shot. i would further add that it should be a prerequisite of smustards that you can't sell a script without so much as a screen shot.
so Chris please make a visual menu system to group and place our icons in and i'll gladly give YOU my money instead.