Wood stair
Hi arail,
Very nice wood stair
Did you use plugins to do it ? -
I need to do one similar this week so how did you build it?
"Spiralstair" makes the stair, but for the handguard you have to use another one.
FAK, maybe...
I did not use spiralstair. I'll have to look into that. I'm a novice so I'm not that familiar with the rubies.
I made a riser, tread and return nosing piece and made them into components. Each tread, riser and nosing piece was copied and then moved up the height of a riser and then rotated into position. Once I had three sets I copied and rotated them as a group, when I had six sets I copied that group and so on.
Then I made the stringer using drawhelix. I made two helix lines 2" apart then I exploded the helixes and drew lines from the ends level to the center of the column. Then I drew diagonals along the bottom to close those planes. I then made one complete section of the stringer from back of riser to back of riser and copied and rotated them one at a time to make the stringer complete.
What's worth pointing out is that drawhelix isn't mathematically accurate. In other words, when I asked it to make a pitch of 180" the actual helix end to end was off by about 3/4". Fortunately it worked out to be a regular 1/8" of an inch so for the sake of the image I was able to raise the height of the riser component by 1/8" and adjust the position of each tread accordingly. But I wouldn't be able to use this method in the shop where I can't be off by 1/8"
Hope this is useful in some way. I'll have to look into spiralstair.
I realize the first image is a bit confusing because you see the vertical slats but not the stringer. The vertical slats weren't difficult at all - I made 5 different slats with different grain orientations so they wouldn't all be identical and then positioned them against the stringer in random combinations.
This image shows the basic stair without the slats. The treads, risers and column were quite simple but the stringer was a bit difficult to get right.
Sorry I'm taking up so much space on this thread.
@arail said:
What's worth pointing out is that drawhelix isn't mathematically accurate.
you might want to try curve maker instead:
http://www.drawmetal.com/this is the helix dialogue:
and attached is the resulting curve:
Thanks, I'll try that.
The Bernoulli spirals that can be made with this plugin would be useful to a stair builder. -
Hello ! Drawhelix13 is the last version.
vieucaillou -
Drawhelix13 is the version I used. Now I can't reproduce the dimensional inaccuracy I mentioned earlier. I started these models in SketchUp7 but I had a lot of trouble with that version so I uninstalled it and went back to SketchUp6. Maybe something was happening there. But I just opened Sketchup and asked drawhelix13 to make me a helix with a pitch of 180" and I get a helix at 180"
Confusing to a novice.