IMac 24"
Has anyone heard reports on how the new spec iMac performs with SketchUp?
It is really the graphics card I am unsure on, a Nvidia GT130 512mb.
iMac 24"I am desperately getting in need of a new computer and I have wanted to try a Mac for the last few years. Only thing that ever stopped me is the cash!
i don't know anything about that card but i will say this..
i have sketchup running on 3 macs and they are all fine.. i can't tell much of a difference between any of them..
G4 powerbook 1.33GHz powerPC... ATI Mobility Radeon 9600
pro quad tower 2.66 intel.. nvidia gt7600
2.0 duocore intel macbook... GeForce 9400Mthe new graphics cards outspec all of these (blows 2 of them away).. i really wouldn't worry about it.
No worries...DO IT!
Do the new Imacs still run on Core2Duos?
I would have expected to have the option to go Quadcore.The new Mac Pro configs, on the other hand, look quite nice. The Nehalem 8 core performs 1.7 times better than the earlier HarperTown processors on 3D rendering (Cinebench and Maxwell). Nice!
(...not that it would make a difference for SU, it would remain as sloooooow) -
I think theyre still using dual cores.