[REQ] wood texture
Have you tried:
attached is my quick attempt to match your photo using this, you might have more success!
Perhaps this: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview2.php?id=19679&PHPSESSID=6eb7bc38fc9c35bc689edab541fe3363 with some colour correction?
Sent you an email.
Thanks guys, I will check them out, I may have to do some p-shopping to get them exactly right, but it's a good start.
Hi Solo,
I have built my kitchen bench, vanities, and front door from Cypress, its dark out here now but would be happy to upload some images for you if needed in the morning.
Cheers Jeff -
I have up loaded my front door here, http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=17165
It is made from cypress, so you may find it useful?
Cheers Jeff
Good day Solo,
Here are some ones.
A little yellow. Just modify it a little bit in Photoshop tu turn them more "white" like your texture.
...good textures Luis ,thanks!
...Solo,may be it?(Luis seamless texture variant)...
These are fantastic, thanks a lot guys.
This is a useful site http://www.defcon-x.de/c4d/textures but notice they're very heavy files so they have to be sampled down.
Luis - those images are beautiful. Can I use them in my next stair model?
@arail said:
This is a useful site http://www.defcon-x.de/c4d/textures but notice they're very heavy files so they have to be sampled down.
Luis - those images are beautiful. Can I use them in my next stair model?
Hi arail,
Of course you can ! These textures have been found on the web.