First post here
Very nice
crits: looks a little too clean to my eye, i think a few strategically placed magazines could liven things up a bit. I reckon the camera angle could do with a bit of upward adjustment in the bathroom shots.
other than that, youve got some very well composed images there, good use of DoF as well
Beautiful shots. The one with the coffee is my fav. I think you've really managed to capture the viewers emotional connection to the space. It feels very warm and inviting.
Fantastic work. Love the atmo.
Very,very nice.
nononono, teo tenes que mejorar la iluminacion, las texturas los reflejos, los bump y ni hablar de los desplazamientos y retocar el color de todas las imagenes jajajajajaja
es broma jajaja que bueno verte por aca, y segui mostrando trabajos -
thx to all for the coments!!!!
ricardo saludos brother, que gusto verte por aca! -
Very wonderful. I can only try to imagine what it is to model a house to such detail.
I like the coffee shot too. But I would not expect to find the packaged creamer in such a fine home. Tastes vary though. Please post more.
very good renders...the blur effect is WOW!
Damn... I wish I could make renders like that one day!
Welcome to the forum Teofas,
And thank you for posting those amazing renders. I'd be happy if my renders look half as good as yours!! Awesome work....please post more as I have recently bought V-Ray myself and your renders are very inspiring.
Envious Jeff...
Wow! Stunning work. Great job!
I believe I have seen a few of these over on the V-ray forum, keep up the great work. Oh, where is the plant from? If you dont mind me asking
Professional !
Very, very impressive..!!
I don't have a particulat favourite... I like them all...!
However, I would like to lean how you did the steam in the image with the coffee cup on the table... -
Teo, I'm glad to see you here too! Looks like many "ASGVIS guys" join to this community.
This it's a good thing, for everybody! Welcome, and happy rendering!
Stefan -
Teofas, really amazing job. (Thanks for you Visop Setting)
thx to everyone, i really apreciatte your coments and the warm welcome
Hi Teofas, like you, I am just registered to this forum last week. : ) good to see you here.
Can it get any better than this? After seeing these, I feel like a kid using crayons, and not regular crayons, but the really big ones used by preschoolers. Thanks for posting such great work; you've inspired me to chjeck out VRAY.