How are you doing in the credit crunch?
Hi all
The UK architecture industry (or at least the little bit of it if that I work in) seems to have been hit very hard by the credit crunch. As a freelance technician I am just about surviving but I work on short contracts so I'm hoping they don't all stop. I know alot of people in this profession who have been made redundant or who have had there hours reduced to 4 day weeks. It looks like it will get much worse before it gets any better. I am trying to diversify, in some ways. I have been offered work as a rep for a cad company that outsources to the far east, they seem to think they can clear up even during the credit crunch. It's potentially quite good money.Just wondered if anybody else has any views on this or the credit crunch in general?
Hi Jon,
I think things will get a LOT worse before they start to slowly move to anything resembling full employment. The problem as I see is that we are STILL learning the truth about the Lending Institutions and have caused many of the current problems.
I am not blaming the Banks for all our woes, we (1st World Residents) have to take a lot of the responsibility for the current mess. It just could not have lasted.
Anyway, I think there are lots of possibilities out there for the design community and particularly members of the Architectural profession. We can more than often turn our hands to many fields that require level headed thinking when it comes to production of all kinds.
As I see it Green is the way to go! There are fantastic opportunities out there just waiting for us to get involved with. Its a matter of recognising where and how we can help and make a decent living at the same time.
By the end of the recession we will see MANY new and exciting companies formed and making a positive difference in the World.
Please also take a look at the Ireland - 41% architects without job thread...
Good topic on bad situation.
Things are grim for me at the moment as my niche was being the last resort, the guy you go to when your project is about to reach deadline and you are behind. With a very evident lack of new projects on a whole there are many less panic situations as the lower workload has folks able to complete work on schedule and me not needed.
So desperate times makes one fight or flee, so I decided to go GREEN too, I have released a Garden pack of Sketchup made vegetation (which can be found on my website) in order to earn a living during these tough times, it was that or go find a day job.
As liberating as freelancing is, it sucks at month end. -
I'll definitely support you, Pete...!
That sure is a nice green collection and I hope that you'll sell many packages, cause users sure get value for the money...!!