Share your Digital Photography shots here
@ecuadorian said:
This picture was taken in a park near the University where I had graduated, one year after graduation, in January 2005.
I tried to achieve a "soft water" effect by placing the camera on a minitripod in the border, and using a slow shutter. It was 7pm, so the sky is not completely black, but navy blue.
[attachment=0:1kt8seqp]<!-- ia0 -->IMG_1737.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1kt8seqp]
Canon A75, 0.5 seconds, F/2.8
nice try but i think you have to decrease the time more of the shutters speed. this way you will have softer and brighter image. i think half second is still fast. The f measure also you could increase it though. the DOF is indeed really shallow thats why you end up with a bit blurry image. once you increase the fvalue you will see, you will have a sharper image and softer water because of the slow shutter speed. Dont worry anyway your camera is in the tripod. One lasting make the ISO as low as possible i will go for 100 and dont touch it. just experiment with the shutter speed and aperture size. -
@ecuadorian said:
In April 2005, my brother convinced me to visit a zoo with some friends. I usually don't like zoos because I prefer to see the animals running free in Animal Planet, and find zoos depressing.
This monkey had the saddest expression I've ever seen in an animal. He seems to have lost all hope of escaping his cage. What is he thinking?
[attachment=0:dxrch1mc]<!-- ia0 -->IMG_3042.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:dxrch1mc]
Canon A75, noisy because I used ISO 400 to avoid motion blur. 1/80 sec, F/4.the emotion has been really captured perfectly, nevertheless i want to comment on the image and hopefully will help you better. honestly I hate increasing ISO. of course there are new models where you can increase the ISO without having noise...
next time if you want to avoid motion blur,,,increase your shutter speed. at the moment the image was a bit overburn, i know you really want to show the lighting on the face right? because of that the fur on the sillohuette was burned. this is were reflectors will work by reflecting the light (even using ordinary white cardboard paper).
next time go to the zoo again and try to take similar subject until you perfect it. nothing really brings a very good emotion of animal or peson by having a sharp focus image.
i hope you will take this as constructive criticism as its my aim to help and bring all our skills to a much higher level. -
just a vaguely photography related question form a photography newb: whats with the black borders around your photos? I personally find them quite annoying.
A few more from the collection.
Cool shot Remus, but, the part that intrigues me is all the stuff hanging off the tree cage. I would love to see it featured larger in the foreground.
@remus said:
just a vaguely photography related question form a photography newb: whats with the black borders around your photos? I personally find them quite annoying.
just a frame i guess to seperate the picture from the white screen. so as to lead the viewer to the image. did not realized that its annoying sometimes.
@nomeradona said:
@remus said:
just a vaguely photography related question form a photography newb: whats with the black borders around your photos? I personally find them quite annoying.
just a frame i guess to seperate the picture from the white screen. so as to lead the viewer to the image. did not realized that its annoying sometimes.
I think he was referring to my cropping and hi-conning his photo... not directed at you. I pulled the shot... didn't mean to offend him.
Wasnt directed at anyone in particular, was more a general comment. I take its just me who doesnt like them then?
Wow some fantastic photos here, really nice to look at, it makes a nice change from arch-vis.
My photos don't come close to your high standards though. -
they cant be much worse than mine
@linea said:
Wow some fantastic photos here, really nice to look at, it makes a nice change from arch-vis.
My photos don't come close to your high standards though.i think we should not talk by standards here. its jsut we want to share our digital shots. and if there are some comments lets take it as a pure critique and let us all aim higher. coz i do beleive that the closest thing to composed our archvizualization is actually photography.
also more and more rendering engine knows, say for example vray. vray has physical camera which work like a real camera (except for DOF and also when increase the ISO the render doesnot become grainy). so if you have knowledge in photography, handling this part of the rendering engine is fun...
again i would like to reiterate, that if we have a nice shot, well thank you but if not and just a pure joy of expressing it weather they were taken from a point and shoot camera nor phone camera, i think they are valid and worth sharing them.. who knows from here one day we all become professional photographer.
When i have my hypershot pro, more and more became interested wiht High Dynamic range images (HDRI). what is it and how will i light my scene in hypershot. honestly im really noob at it. since this is a photo link, i want to share them with you guys... these shots were converted back to jpeg, but tth originals were 16bit tiff files.
I really like the image quality using HDRI. I assume you are using PS Merge to HDR.
A few questions:
How many bracketted shots are you combining? I guess 5-7, but no less than 3.
Are you also heightening the colour?
I don't have CS2 and have played around with curves/levels etc., for single layered shots but this certainly offers a lot more possiblities.
These have an old postcard desaturated quality, almost hand tinted. Nice.
Have you tried it with portraits?
It is definitely time for a new camera with at least 5 bracket capability.I also agree that this IS NOT a photo competition site. It's great to see what others are shooting and to explore/share ways to make our shots more artistic.
I had a great trip to Italy and Malta last spring. A lot of fun pix and some that i think are kinda "Arty"--maybe I should link you all up to my picassa album. interested? Is that legal? anyone? anyone? Beuhler? Beuhler?
Or maybe just pick a few of your favorites and post them here...
What's new with the Nikon Bubba?
Arty is good David... post a few. -
don't overdo it.
over do? MOI????
espresso, first of all, the images you have just sent are outstanding. i especially like the lighitng drama that you captured on the last image. one of my favorite even in rendering.
as for HDR image. i used 3-5 images. some has 3 and some has 5 with different exposures. im noob actually with it but i really want to experiment on this. anyhow i like the quality. i will shot more on this...
i also want to post this link for anyone who want ot pursue this