Marian's W.I.P.s
tHAT last one looks tight(good) from the front. Nice Job
the car is cool please show when complete keep up good work
frumoasa masina Marian ,care i treaba cu licentele si cu alea...??ΒΏΒΏ
It's amazing that someone stupid enough to write what you just have can do such good Sketchup work.
This is kind of stabbing in the back johnsenior
@ely862me said:
It's amazing that someone stupid enough to write what you just have can do such good Sketchup work.
This is kind of stabbing in the back johnsenior
Wrong. He confronted Marian for all to see. No backstabbing was involved. And he was right, too. That said, this matter was dealt with quite elegantly, in the end. Which is nice.
Nice car, Marian.
He may have been right about me being wrong but he's attitude lacks finece, that's what ely was trying to say, no one likes a smug ***, that being said thanks stinkie
Yes, his response did lack 'finece'. Yet, when admitting to stealing, one cannot expect to get a pad on the back. Nor can one complain about how one's confession is received, as that'd be pushing it. Like it or not, that's how it is.
But let's not revive this discussion. You got a legal copy of the plugin, Whaat's got his money (I hope) - as far as yours truly is concerned, everything's turned out rather well.
Now ... how 'bout some more subdivided cars, eh?
This forum has a very clear and strong attitude against piracy. Because of the profession of many of its members, people who rely on getting paid for the work they do, work which could pretty easily be ripped off, the stance is a massive no to software piracy.
On top of that, the software in question was written by one of the most prominent, liked and respected members of the forum.
Simply blurting out that you've got a stolen copy of subdivide and smooth on this website is stupid, stupid, stupid. It's like casually telling your in-laws that you're having an affair. It's like telling your boss that you've spent the last 6 months stealing things from work.
What Marian did was stupid. If he doesn't like his actions being called stupid, he shouldn't do stupid things.
nice car marian, although personally id add a bit more detail to the hubs. You seem to have mastered the form, though.
Yes what i did was rather stupid, but should my honesty make me a stupid person? ...i think that's the insinuation, or rather statement you made, i really don't appreciate, afterall i did take all the flack and was ready to take responsibility and pay for it. No one is perfect, and i think Jesus put it much better than i could, "he who is without sin, should through the first rock".
I don't want to prolong this discussion any further, if i offended you, i apologize John, and let this be my last stupid comment on this matter. -
sorry i don't like that last one. that one rim is cool! i like it
marian i can see u going finally in the right direction ...that was a sweeeeet car....and for the cobra body some sharpen line on it ,give it some bad look and here u go...
Very interesting when are we going to get another "starship" keep on posting please
@dolphus said:
Very interesting when are we going to get another "starship" keep on posting please
Hopefully soon
at the moment i'm "absorbing"(
) from other ships to get some inspiration.
Fantastic i love the rendered effect
Nice! The proportions of the E-Roadster make it look like a Koenigsegg, and who doesn't love Koenigsegg? The colour is quite awesome as well.
I also like your rendering setup; I do the same too! But can I ask what environment lighting setup are you using?
Anything new on the "Contradiction"? Because it looks amazing at this stage already. AC Cobra Saloon... why haven't anyone thought that first?
Hi Blank,and thanks.
I just used a studio hdr. environment.
The Contradiction, it's still at that state, didn't do anyrhing to it, but i will finish it this summer.