2.5D tree...
I'll buy a CD also. Paypal would be the best option I imagine.
Thanks M and M...always a pleasure doing business with you :`)
David, have finally clued in to the same and often mentioned thing and I'm hoping I've cut these back closer to the right amount...?
@tomsdesk said:
...(in SU5 you can pick the image with the alt-bucket picker to edit just like any other material...SU beyond 5 you'll have to explode the image and hide the 4 edges)...
As of just a moment ago, the above statement appears to be pure hockum: you can indeed use the alt-bucket picker in SU6 and 7 without exploding the image...sorry for the confusion (really: always sorry when I'm that confused...?).
Tom I use your trees in nearly every project I do, the least I could do is buy a disc from you
Attaboy, Jon!
Been playing around this morning with different options on the same leaf png in the same tree...whadaya think? Also, really would like/need some feedback from you downloaders about the color saturation issue, thanks. I want to get that resolved before I make more pngs...much harder to fixthem later.
I downloaded a couple of your watercolour trees and they're brilliant.
I'd be happy if you made some more mate and would be please to buy them
The latest ones are looking excellent especially the last bunch, infact i just used some of your trees in one of my scenes and must say they really added to the scene (my boss loved them) if i can get his Ok i will try and post some of the scenes i did.
I like your trees very much. As for the saturation issue, I think that you can make them as colourful as you like. For the user it's far easier to tone them down if necessary than to spright them up. That can be done with the material sliders, but increasing saturation on a grayish tone either produces nothing or is quite unpredictable.
Love to see them, Sintra...that kind of complement warms the belly.
My thought too, Anssi...but some of mine were just as hard to tone down as these are to brighted up, so I'll be trying to find a middle ground: and will need more of this kind of help from you guys, thanks.
These look great! I think you are on the right track as far as colors go...
We've hit the street...thanks again for all your encouragements. Hoping many of you will respond and help out here: http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=17149