I think that's a fine looking appliance. I don't think you need more detail. I think people will be glad to have things like this to put in their renderings.
This looks great. At least doing your own you can get the appropriate level of detail. Nice one.
It looks great. I wouldn't add more detail. My own guidelines are that (apart from small stuff like phones) if it looks good from a metre away, that's good enough. I mean, how often are you likely to get closer than that, even in a photoreal rendering.
Thanks for answering guys! I'll be happy to share the models, after I'll finish the entire set.
awesome! thanks stefanQ!!!
You're welcome Jacob!
Thanx very much, Finally some decent appliances!! These are very welcome
Thanks Stefan. I really like the oven.
Thanks Stefan. Very Classy stuff!
I'm glad that I can give something back, guys!
Here it is another one
This it's the link for the cooker component: -
Wow thanks a lot stefanq, I'll be using this in my current project, I'll post it in this forum to so you could see them in someone's others project ;]
Btw, It'll be done in Kerkythea and I've ran some test already aswell as the oven as the cooker,
they render even better than expected :]Grats..
FoXy.. -
-Same post as above-
My excuses, should've been a connection error or something.. ;]
FoXy.. -