30 Watt Fishbulb
Cheers for the info solo. The scene is available to everyone to download for seven days.
https://www.yousendit.com/download/WnBSVWRqTStoMlVLSkE9PQ -
Hey prince
Thanks for sharing the model. I ran the bulb through SDS with 1 iteration and then gave it a go with hypershot. Render took about 3 min.
Pete, that's great!! The caustics make a world of difference. Did they add a lot of render time?
Actually it was faster this time as I reduced the radiosity (I had radiosity and skydome in first one) and slightly increased the ambience, so the render was slightly faster, I did enable the 'accurate caustics' in render settings.
Glass and fluids in glass are extremely difficult to render in Sketchup (if not impossible).
The normals are difficult to control.Here's my try, but it is completely wrong:
I thought that I would add a V-Ray version. This is set in exactly the same scene as you uploaded it.
It took about 30 minutes to render on my twin core duo.
I wasn't too happy with my result, so I thought I'd try again.
The fish still looks like it's been pasted in afterwards...!
That's just wrong!
cool idea, is that Hypershot?
Yes Pete. Hypershot, with just a default HDRI and standard materials. Texturing took less than a minute and rendering was almost instant as I just saved a screen shot right after texturing. Hypershot really shines on this type of thing.
Most definitely a cool idea and nice render...
Although the glass material you've used seem wrong... Looks as if the part where there's supposed to be air is solid glass...
(sorry - not sure how to explain it better in English...)
He he
, very nice Earthmover.
Didn't you forget to model an electrical wire? -