Small cafe in NY
Very nice images, rcossoli. The lighting in the night shot look off - your showing highlights under the tables, but if the lighting is from above (as it appears), then the chairs and tables should be casting shadows on the floor below them.
Daniel Thanks for the comment on the issue of lights that may be failing because it also happens to have the lights on the tables also have some lights on the ceiling (but not seen on stage) and to reflect these in the ground perhaps make clear that it is under the tables and chairs.
Looks great. Captures the feel of a Manhattan establishment. Would be interesting to see one with a rainy day outside.
thanks Gus, so the rain could not be done as if with some plugin or photoshop, would be something to investigate and implement in the future!
Daniel, I think the highlights under the table are entirely correct. That works because those highlights are not coming from the lights on the same tables, but from the lights on the other tables farther back. So it is the lights on the second row of tables casting the highlights under the first row of tables. What I do find troublesome is the deadness of the windows and lack of people. It depresses me. I know some might say that lighting the exterior would detract from the project at hand, but I think what sells a project is to play to the clients familiar memories of what a restaurant might look like. For instance you have the day scene for reference. Darken the day scene of the building across the street and shift its color balance to blue. Then brighten the other buildings windows so you can see hints of that building. Throw in street lights and red and white steakes from tail and headlights.Make the night scene vibrant so the whole thing looks less like a mortuary.
@rcossoli said:
this is the night.
It has the same camera position that the image of day.
here if there is some problems with the material given the low resolution of rendering a matter of time.
C & C are welcomeThis is crude, but consider the mood. As is, it seems like the city has shut down and the wait staff has gone home.
thanks for taking the job of changing the substance, I guess you did with Photoshop, the only thing I am not convinced it is the people leaving plantas jajajaja, but it is something to keep in mind, thanks anyway Roger!
@rcossoli said:
thanks for taking the job of changing the substance, I guess you did with Photoshop, the only thing I am not convinced it is the people leaving plantas jajajaja, but it is something to keep in mind, thanks anyway Roger!
Those people look twice as big tonight as they did last night. I assumed that the planters formed a walkway to guide patrons into the restaurant. If they are against the wall, then I do have the people standing in the fertilizer. My statement was that spaces do not live without people and activity.
thanks for your time and advice Roger, now I'm fixing the scene, the lights, the background and add some people, when it finished and I have the time to upload the image, a greeting and thanks again
Very nice renderings! I hope you post the finished product.
Hello to all, these are the latest images of this little project done only with the idea of practice, with the help of everybody and special from Roger change the background of the first image and I think it is much better.
C & C are wellcome
@rcossoli said:
Hello to all, these are the latest images of this little project done only with the idea of practice, with the help of everybody and special from Roger change the background of the first image and I think it is much better.
C & C are wellcomeBueno, yo pienso esto esta mejor. I will push my luck a little farther. How a bout a large mural on the back wall and something large and dramatic to wake up that empty space in the lower right corner. Perhaps a fountain. Maybe a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. How could you suggest some dining intimacy for such a large barren space?
roger, you have the reason, this little space empty, sterile, but it was simply a design decision to not neglect or lack of desire, do not worry.
I think that would be something nice to see the changes with some more space