TV space for two...
Hi, here are a real project that I have stated since 3 days, it is an improvement of a old house in south UK.
I have started by the "TV space" for two as requested by owner.
Just some thing about Vray 1.0. It is so difficult to do nice spot light effect, I have found the way to do IES Faked effect but, I think that it look very faked... And you ?
Is Vray 1.5 is better for that ? I it is the case, I will purchase it.
Thanks for your comment, Fred.
Great work Fred. I particularly like the back wall. Did you simply use a bump map texture on a flat surface?
Thank Puck,
I have not used a Bump, but a low displacement map.
Bye, Fred
If someone like the stone back wall, I would like to share it , so I have just upload it on
Old Stone Wall is the name.
enjoy !!
Very nice image. Do you mind sharing technique of your fake IES?
good looking image!
thanks again for sharing! -
Thanks Sepo,
It is ok for me to share, and I think that you can apply that to all renderer plug-in.
The faked "IES Effect" is very easy to apply, but very tiring to regulate.
In fact, it is like adding a filter in front of your light. ( use this attached map for filter)
This map must be apply on a circle or a square in front of your spot-light and very important, you must use the same map as transparency map. You must add also a Light inside the spot light. I attach the model here.
After, when you have your effect, if you want more or less intensity, regulate the light, and also the transparency parameter.
I hope that it is useful for you. Bye
Thank you very much for the IES. I have tried to download the old stone wall but it would not let me to do. For whatever reason is asking me to upload that very wall.
Fantistic render! My only crits (all be it very small crits) would be:
The TV needs to be somewhat brighter (emmisive texture?)
The vase on the shelf looks just about to fall
I would get rid of the speakers to each side of the tv (go for a larger lcd screen) and mount small satellite speakers in the corner of the room. (personal preference).The back wall texture looks VERY good and looks far better than a bump map. Displacements are the way to go (if you have the time to wait and the computer to handle them).
I have Vray 1.5 and the improvements are very good and many. It handles materials far better now (no more linking) and I feel it is a bit quicker as well. The emmisive textures and lighting have been improved as well. Well worth the upgrade price in my opinion.
Check your PM's as I finally answered your questions
Thanks Scott and Modelhead,
You are right, I will arange some stuff, and certainly change by real armchairs...
Wonderful image Fred.