Fonts on Mac
Hi Macs, I need a suggestion.
My beloved fontArchitex
from Grant Marshall does not contain üöä and ß.
So I made it for myself with a font generator. It works on PC but not on a Mac. Are there any differences between PC and Mac Fonts which I should have to know? -
Hi Burkhard,
I can't help you but will look around for a solution.
You might get some help via these links,
Thanks Mike, will have a lot to read. It looks good.
I am with you, Architex also for me is THE font I use with SketchUp.
I use it even for elaborated projectdescriptions. As a mac-user I very often use 'pages' as my prefered projectdescription-software and even there my prefered font is 'Architex'.
It always gives a real design-ish, development-like style to my presentations. It is my standard font for SketchUp, and in combination with some specific styles it gives me the perfect way to present my projects, without the need of (m)any other programs but SU.
Only for real production-info I change to arial.
My suggestion: have you contacted Grant Marchall directly? He used to be a very great SU fan and made very nice and surprising contributions, untill he left the communitee a few years ago. (If I remember well, it had to do with the 'take-over' by Google, but I might be wrong.)
His website is still alive, although not updated recently. But still... maybe as the 'founding father' of this font he might be willing to help you out and add those special german fonts to the range and maybe some more like à,á,è,é,ó,ò,ï (and I have a few more in mind).
By any means I would like to offer you my help in extending this font-range. Let's not forget that there is also the Architex bold, we then have to think of.PM(Personal Mail) is also a possibility to talk further about this subject/project.