Is this for real
The buy link does not work on my side.
Yeah.... right Pete. Probably they clean your account in the process.
It is too good to be true.
They are offering some sort of text instruction which pretty much sounds like crack to me. -
I can't blieve they are legit. It says they can only be used for personal or training use. It also says that each download contains a how-to-install.txt and a serial number. How can you have a unique serial number if everyone is downloading rom the same source?
No matter where I click, the same page seems to load every time. Considering what I wrote about IE above,maybe it is a "view only in IE" site?
I would worry to do that!
I have just tried it . It does not work my end as well. I use IE.
I think it's obvious one should not give one's credit card info to these people.
Nineteen Pound for 3DS Max? I think not!
Bottom left corner icon links to a tracker thingymajig.
Hm. The server seems to be in Kentucky. I wonder why they are selling in GBP.
OK,found out. The guy is from the UK.
@unknownuser said:
I think it's obvious one should not give one's credit card info to these people.
I agree. Thats probably what they are out to do , collect peoples infos.When you realize its not true and you cant download it its too late.
Perhaps we should point KDS in their direction. When changes back in to being poor mode he could give them his details.