Re: Some Funny Pics.
Radio Haraki in New Zealand posts a Friday Funny. Its always worth checking it out. This one is absolutetly amazing, you have to watch it to see how lucky this guy is at cheating death.
Sorry Jeff, already been posted and it is a fake. -
Eric, I say to my daughter that if you believe its true then it is.
Dont spoil it for myself
I thought that was for real.
This one is not fake ..surely -
another classic from the onion:
Look at this face and tell me I am not going to heaven
It was tempting but I didnt in the end.
What didn't, Stu? Smoke in the bed?
Yes, thats right Gaieus....No, I didn't smoke any drugs in bed.
He finally did it!!!
We should Never Question the Bravery of Our Men in Uniform AGAIN!!!!!