Idea for an Orbit tool focused on single object
Hi All
Just an idea, could it be possible to select a group (component ...) then apply just to it a orbit like-tool. May be it could be used to relocate(?)that group directly on 3D space (like 3 protactors).
Why not also make it scalable directly or using VCB ?
Because my Ruby knowledge is about close to zero, I probably need years before writing it.
We could defined the group into a sphere which allows 3D step rotations and resizing...MALAISE
..mmm, in a sense the protractors are already there (red crosses) - but it is interesting - perhaps you could have a shortcut key (say crtl + alt) that when the wheel of the mouse is pressed, rather tan orbiting the model, rotates the component...
This is how Maya works and it's really useful. Definitely do-able I would say.
best bet I think would be to probably integrate it with 3D connection's tools. I know they had some small programs which made an example of that. It was a somo cube and you had to use the cap to move and rotate each piece into place. I also know that in SU, the cap can rotate around the model on it's own, focused on an object (like normal SU), or rotate specifically around the selected object.
Humm ... what a coincidence. Please, take a look at this post I just created:
But instead "target" (or focuse) on the center of gravity of the component(s) I think target a specific point (using the wonderful inference engine) seems to be more appropriate for precise work. Give a try on OrbitOnTarget ...
Hi, All
Thanks for answering, Let's try MarcioAB's tool ...
I just try your Plugin Marcio, click on face and the selected point is becoming orbit center.
Double clic on every item of the drawing will center the picture on the selected item.What I want to mean about my idea, is an orbit-like tool only apply to selected object(s)
How Marcio's plugin works :
Initial picture before activating Marcio'stool
Results when the plugin is used (some rotation and a far object selected )
**@malaise said:
Hi, All
What I want to mean about my idea, is an orbit-like tool only apply to selected object(s)
I see your point. Yes, easy components re-position is also in my wish list. Initially I was considering to see if it's possible to create "connectors" to that (like point-point contact, point-face contact, etc). But reuse "OrbitOnTarget" code to a new tool to re-position one or more components should not be that difficult. -
Really curious about the way you make that plugin.
Maybe could you insert some comments in the ruby file.Thanks Marcio
**@malaise said:
Really curious about the way you make that plugin.
Maybe could you insert some comments in the ruby file.
Thanks Marcio
Initial understanding: SketchUP camera has 3 main components: Eye, Target and Up (vector). We need one more component: @target, that is the point that will be fixed.
So, now we have:@target -> the fixed point and center of the 2 transformations (see below)
camera.eye -> remain camera.eye associated with @center
camera.up associated with vetorT
VetorH is an auxiliar component (explain later why)So centered in @target the other 3 components (@center, VetorT, camera.eye) must receive 2 transformations:
- Horizontal transformation around Z-axis
- Vertical transformation around vetorN (that is normal to vetorH both in horizontal plan)
The amount of these transformations (deltaV and deltaH) came from the mouse drags.
VetorH could be calculated (by projection of camera.eye on the horizontal plane), but gets complicated when the camera is passing over the poles. So, it's necessary to keep this vetorH just for that.
Let me know where I should provide more details.
Marcio -
What a clear explanation Marcio!
Well, may be this (reused code) is more closer to what you will be talking about:
Here is an initial version of +1 product from OrbitOnTarget Line of Products (hehe
Later I will write a better "manual", but in the mean time ...-
Select Component(s).
Select the Tool (Component OrbitOnTarget)
Select a Reference point (with double-click and no feedback for now) - this is used to Move the selected Compo(s) in a radial direction, closer of more distance relative the Target.
Select the Target point (with double-click and no feedback for now) - this is used to Rotate the selected Compo(s) relative the Target.
LButton-down + drag to move the selected Compo(s).
LButton-down + Shift + drag (up/down) to move the selected Compo(s) more closer or distant the Target (up= +closer, down= +distant).
Both OOT: Camera and Component OrbitOnTarget. Give a try and let's see how to improve them.
The ComponentOOT can be much more improved toward the concept of Connectors. For now this is a initial concept for the Point-to-Point connector (Reference-to-Target).
It's also necessary a roll-back mechanism to undo, etc, etc but looks promissing.
Marcio -