New to forum, not SU. LO PDF issue.
Hey everyone..... I've used SU for about 8 years now, but new to LO and this forum. Recently updated to SU Pro for work and have been working on learning LO.
My problem is, when exporting to PDF from LO, I am unable to open the file. I get an error "file damaged and can not open"
Working with SU/PRO V 6.4.112 and LO V 1.0..1199
Edit: Recently updated to Adobe reader V9. No change. Can not open PDF file.
Just an idea:
Are you exporting to a network drive? These exports may be quite big and slow, and thus vulnerable to errors. I have sometimes had similar problems exporting JPG:s from SU, printing PDFs from AutoCad etc. over the network. Sometimes I have had succeeded with a second try by exporting to the local drive (onto the desktop, or in My documents etc). Also sometimes using a traditional 8+3 character file name instead of a long one with spaces etc. helps.
Just suggestions
Thanks for the reply Anssi,
I actually just resolved the issue. Apparently it's an issue with the particualr template that I was using. Default/Template/Titleblocks/Rounded/letter/right. When I choose the same template but in a "block" rather than the "rounded" version, it works just fine.