Office building
@plot-paris said:
absolutely fantastic indeed. great detail of lamp, radiator and glazed door. the (absolutely convincing) half transparent, half translucent window reminds me of a dentist's practice. frighteningly real!
mind, that your model on the table gets less important. may of course be an intended effect.
anyhow, great work, stinkie
Thanks, Plot. The lamp and the radiator, however, I got from the Warehouse, so despite the fact that I did some additional work on them, I cannot take credit for them. The door's all mine, however.
I'm fairly pleased about how it turned out: it looks pretty much exactly like it really was (I am modelling my old apartment). As for the model on the table becoming less importmant, there's no way around that, as I'd like the renders, eventually, to look like 'actual photos'; the view in the render is how it'd look if you just entered the apartment. (The main idea is to use the 'apartment model' as a sort of 'stage' for different sorts of stuff. I was always intrigued by that place - it's an absolute 'non space', no character, or 'soul', if you like, whatsoever. Quite 'waiting room like', much more a purgatory of sorts than a home. Errr, probably doesn't make much sense to other people.
@ Durant: Thanks. Yes, I am using Vray and BootCamp. 'Booty Camp' - there's gotta be an adult flick by that title.
@ Mirjman: Yes, it does look like it's floating. It isn't though. May be due to the lack of textures.
No screws in the door hinge? tut tut
More seriously, looking very good so far. The detail in the whole thing is breath taking.
@remus said:
No screws in the door hinge? tut tut
Thanks for pointing that out! I did put screws in there, but I must've gotten rid of them somehow.
'Efficiency' is not my middle name, regrettably.
cold - empty - but absolutely photo realistic!
I really like the way you transform a rather unattractive space into a piece of art. and therewith you teach us that it is not important what you show - but how you show it (important lesson for my life
Looking great so far, I have only two issues.
The bottom of the door seems to go beyond the floor (no gap)
The floor is very flat.
The glass is fantastic.
I just noticed on previous image the wood grain on side of table extension is not same as table.
@solo said:
The bottom of the door seems to go beyond the floor (no gap)
Yeah. There is a gap, though. Gotta make it bigger.
@solo said:
The floor is very flat.
Indeed it is. Needs more work. Maybe some displacement'll do the trick.
@solo said:
I just noticed on previous image the wood grain on side of table extension is not same as table.
Ooooh ... I missed that. Thanks!
The walls need work, too. It never stops.