Who else is looking forward to Obama's speech tonight?
Obama? Speech? Tonight?
Oh that's right, I'm sick of election news
I am, because when it's over we can resume the WORLD SERIES! Both make me want to drink but for very different reasons.
Yea... I think this will be the first time we get to listen to him speak without McCain giggling in the background...
Gotta miss it. I made arrangements for a root canal instead.
@bellwells said:
Gotta miss it. I made arrangements for a root canal instead.
drawly voice That's funny.
Bellwells wrote:
@unknownuser said:
Gotta miss it. I made arrangements for a root canal instead.
@tomsdesk said:
(Please...I really don't give a crap if you aren't: start your own thread, thanks :`)
Ugh Tom
Your attitude really stinks lately.
And no, I am not watching it, I will be giving Ron a root canal.
@solo said:
Bellwells wrote:
@unknownuser said:
Gotta miss it. I made arrangements for a root canal instead.
Now THATS funny!!!!!!!!1
@unknownuser said:
@tomsdesk said:
(Please...I really don't give a crap if you aren't: start your own thread, thanks :`)
Ugh Tom :puke: Your attitude really stinks lately.
And no, I am not watching it, I will be giving Ron a root canal.
What the hell is wrong with MY attitude!!! I was looking for serious comments about what people will be expecting or hoping to hear tonight...as there are high expectations around the world for what we here are going to do next week. Just trying and hoping not to just get a bunch of silly crap and insults. MY ATTITUDE INDEED!
I repeat: start your own damn thread, thanks.
Oookaaay ... let's start over, shall we?
If I could, I'd most certainly watch. Why? Because I'm quite curious about Obama's view on foreign politics, and about his view on the current financial crisis.
You left out the "if you aren't" and the "thanks" (and the "damn" was added in my reply to your insult)...but nevermind, you win (just like Cornel).
Just like Cornel Tom? Come on, I did not add any scripture to my post but would be happy to if you like
Look, if you had simply started this thread by asking: "Who else is looking forward to Obama's speech tonight?" and left it at that you would most likely received the serious response you wanted.
Yeah, Stinkie, I'm hoping to hear some up to date specifics on his plans to fix this financial mess we've infected the world with...what first, second, and so on. And also what of the wonders he's promised he'll be now forced to put on hold because of it.
Foreign policy-wise he's seemed to be on track already to please a great portion of the world looking on...? What do you think?
I'm also looking forward to hearing someone with some hope left...and praying I can get some myself again.
Best, and thanks, Tom.
@tomsdesk said:
Foreign policy-wise he's seemed to be on track already to please a great portion of the world looking on...? What do you think?.
Well ... he can't possibly do any worse than Junior, so I'm mildly optimistic. In any case, Obama seems ... non-cynical. That's a nice change. My hope is that he can bring the US and Europe closer together. Wouldn't be a bad thing. Most of my peers seem to think Obama can indeed get that gargantuan task done.
Most of the people I know, seem to quite like the man. PR-wise, electing him would be a good idea.
I'm curious though how he's going to solve that mess in Iraq.
Well, yes...Iraq? Seems to be heading toward a non-issue for the near-term...I mean this secret agreement Bush is working on seems to be getting closer and closer to what Obama's plan has been all along. But of course, that's the near-term...the future on that front will become bleak again, I'm sure: just too many hidden adjendas to predict how it will all shake out. Would be nice if he did speak to the "after the troops are out" future...?
I was talking about the not-so-near future. Iraq is in shambles. How will Obama ensure the country is put on the road towards peace? Can't win there, I'm afraid. If he retreats all the troops, he'll be accused of letting the Iraqis rot. If he doesn't, he's an imperialist.
The republican spin doctors are gonna be drooling over this one.
@tomsdesk said:
What the hell is wrong with MY attitude!!! I was looking for serious comments about what people will be expecting or hoping to hear tonight...as there are high expectations around the world for what we here are going to do next week. Just trying and hoping not to just get a bunch of silly crap and insults. MY ATTITUDE INDEED!
I repeat: start your own damn thread, thanks.