One of my Corner Bars
Hi Guys,
I think Remus suggested that we model the local Bar that we
visit regularly. I avoided the idea as I have enough to do!I go to two local bars, the Poet's Corner (Coen and Ton had a
drink with me there some time ago) and the Brewery. The latter
I go to most days for either a morning coffee with friends or
lunch. I go the the Poet's Corner mostly on Saturday Nights
to meet friends and listen to Irish Music.I am attaching some pictures of the (New) Brewery (taken from
a newspaper feature by iPhone, sorry about quality) as it has
just had a major make-over. I would have preferred if it had
stayed the way it was but I'm getting used to the new look.The main thing is that Maureen (lady with BIG smile) is still
there to greet me when I visit. Its the people in the Bar that
are importantnot the surroundings, like this place in a way.Have you any pics of your local bar, even phone pics ?
Buffalo Wild wings, great food, NTN, a zillion sports channels and beer on tap ... aka Heaven.
Dear Mike,
I often call in at the Eagle and Child for a quick pint (Nos 48/9) and frequently enjoy a bacon sandwich at the local greasy spoon (No. 52) when I'm not taking lunch at college (Nos 60/61). The Eagle and Child is famous as being the watering hole of Tolkien and friends ( I keep hoping that some of their ability will rub off on to me, but unfortunately...
Bob -
The Freshfield, a great range of real ales on tap. It's a neat idea going to the pub in a pony and trap...especially if the pony knows the way home.
This is my local, very local just staggering distance away, one of the best kept secrets in Worcester.
i can usually be found either here:
here: - Two Doves, Canterbury, Kent
Here's a description of the beers we have tried or seen in the Two Doves pub in Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3JN
don't think i've had more than 3 days go past without visiting at least 2 of these (excluding holidays)
oh dear, what a sad life i lead. he he
@bellwells said:
Ah ha...I see your avatar is a picture of you in this bar.
Yup - I thought that would be best fitting my mood now:D
@gaieus said:
These are just interiors...
(Clicking on the image takes you to a Picasa album)
Ah ha...I see your avatar is a picture of you in this bar.
Edit: You guys in Europe have such great looking bars. The buildings are wonderful and cozy. I'm jealous.
the Heart of Oak Pub in Buckingham PA. Used to be called the Wookie Hole way back.
Ron, I agree with you about those guys in Europe and their bars. This one is the closest I've found to that.
The bars here in High Point, NC aren't worth showing at least not when they could be compared to the ones in Europe! But, I usually go just for the folks at the bar... they can be a real hoot...
I agree, here in Texas we really do not have any 'historic' pubs like over the pond, but we do have ....
They don't look that good at the one here... they water down shots and limit how much you drink! What a crock of sh*t!
watered down drinks is pretty bad form disapproving nod
That sucks, never had that problem here, I get a decent amount of Jager and a can of Redbull with every 'bomb' ordered.
I know.... it's sad. I don't get out much
Hi Mike,
Yes, I very well remember the enjoyable evening out at Poet's Corner. A nice place with nice people, from Ireland (of course), from Holland (evidently), from France......etc
And that's why I am not going to model any of the bars I visit. It's not the outside that is most attractive, it is the atmosphere and people inside.
Since GSU isn't the fastest and best modeller for organic shapes, it is to much of a job to create a convincing images of the main reason I frequent my bars of choise. And....most of them do have too low an architectural or historical level to be worth being put in 3D.Good memories never faint, they draw their own lively 3D pictures in ones mind.
I agree Ton, hey, don't forget Brogan's Bar also and Amber
@bellwells said:
... You guys in Europe have such great looking bars. The buildings are wonderful and cozy. I'm jealous.
This one is still the property of the Chapter of the cathedral in my town. It used to be the cellar of the chapter's granary in the 18th century and though the granary was later pulled down,they kept the cellar for obvious reasons
They have some serious competition however because the bishop (in another 18th century building, in his castle) "runs" another wine cellar, too.
But that's mainly for the tourists and this "ours' is for the local folks. And yes,the atmosphere of these old places rules!They are still from the time when the bishop was the landlord of the town and he was the only one who had right to keep pubs (obviously rented them out like today and was not selling wine himself