SketchUp Junior Forums beta test
I did follow your links.
My eyes were not sharpened to the word "pedophile".
I did not post on that thread for I found not special interest on it.
I probably had not said anything here if the new forum were been done.It has been this thread and all the fear about it that has made me post.
Anyway, do whatever you like.
I think you are lost in the details of things and dont get the spirit.
Maybe one day.
Sorry Juan if I seemed to hurt you - believe me that wasn't my intention.
Actually for me this whole pedophil issue does not seem to be so serious - but it may only be so because I (and other in my environment) have never had bad experiences (thank God).
And look from this side: we can try this and if it happens to be successful, it's great. If not, we can still admit it but at least we have tried to provide kids with a place to show off their skills and/or to learn.
Its Ok Gai,
I only try to provide a bit of perspective.Lets go on.
Coen , and Gai,
%(#4000BF)[Lets move on, yes.
and thanks for your compliments Coen,
*)]**/// with some things in life you just can't take risks\**
Well I think to me the only thing I would not take risk, really, is with the arms to kill.
**/// "Why didn't we do anything?" and "How could we let this happen?". That's all I'm saying.\**
%(#0040BF)[Maybe a way to prevent those things happened could have been to do school with the ones who bad_behaved.
Maybe you can teach them.
I think man is due to learn in his time being. And I believe bad people´s
behaviour can be corrected and repented.]We all must have our chance.
"Salud" and keep moving.
where on earth is the happy icon ?
Ill create mine
Correct Modelhead.
///I think that children need their parents or at least one parent more today than any other time in history. Having a group of professional, concerned adults in the other room creates an amazing safe heaven for them in which the possibilities are endless. **I think there is a percentage of children in this scarry world that welcome adult supervision. It provides a safe platform for them from which they can just be themselves without fear of their peers.\**
Their peers are our peers.
So lets make one house protected
IsiT ?
@unknownuser said:
Hey, I am within that age range and I am probably the type of person that would be going to this forum. But I personally do not really want this type of forum. If I am to excel with sketchup and architecture, I need adults, people with experience in their field to be helping me. This Idea of putting the youth in their own corner and letting them learn everything on their own only leads to them goofing off and not learning anything, I know this by experience. Yes, you are putting a moderator on this and controlling the influx of members, but personally, I am still not going to use this new forum.
Yes but you are a kind of exceptional guy as you - and all of us - precisely know. (I could even imagine you there as a moderator!
And now let me wish you a very happy birthday! (I didn't want to start a new thread since we agreed not to do these happy birthday topics any more.)
I've only just read this thread. If I may add my view:
The idea of a junior forum is fantastic IMO. It can only reinforce Sketchup's professional presence in the future as the SU community will be recognised as a software user group that helps to teach school children. I expect in time specially tailored learning materials will come out of this. It will be a great resource for teachers. Microsoft give free software to schools for a reason! In sixteen years time, there will be a large number of people leaving school with SU skills that they will transfer to the workplace.
As for the security risks of attracting dangerous individuals to the junior forum. The risk might be hard to guage but we all know that this sort of thing does happen and is probably happening right now somewhere on the net. It is a credit to Coen that he is taking this so seriously.
Excellent work Coen and Csaba.
Bump. Some were inquiring about the Junior Forum. This might help.
Hi Ron. Where in this thread do you see a link or a url for the junior forum?
I found this thread and I did refer to it but for the life of my I can't see an entry portal. -
Susan, I just noticed that you did mention this in your first post in the other thread. Sorry. I couldn't find any entry point. Maybe Coen will notice this and respond. Have you PM's him?