A simple browser game for SketchUppers!
This is called The Eyeballing Game , and it plays to the strength of a SketchUpper. You'll see what I mean immediately -- it's obvious how to play, and you should be able to get into the top 10 easily. In fact, the whole top 10 should be SketchUppers.
My best score is 2.14 (lower is better). I was so stoked by getting that score after 5 tries (the previous number one was ALEX at 2.21), I failed to key my name in the winners box, so that blank 2.14 at the top of the list should read TEEZER!
Needless to say, I shall continue to play until I get my name on the board. I hope to see other Sketchucation names there soon...
Cool Terry, thanks.
I find I am best at the convergence and worst at the parallelogram, but I am on the board
I didn't do too good, but I'm pretty tired. I'll try later. Good find, thanks.
My best so far is 4.55. The hardest for me is the triangle. Anyone get a 0.0 deviation. I got down to a .2
Yeah, the triangles are pretty hard, although got one that was square on top of their one and got a 2.something
Enough of the excuses, my best after 2 goes is 4.25.
Ah, I could not get on the board (this time - 5.42) but no wonder with my right eye now seeing about 10% only
I had a parallelogram with a bit more than 0 accuracy however (true I was lucky - it was almost a rectangle)Cool find - hope to get to the "Hall of Fame" once but you guys would kick me out soon anyway.
oooh, just got a 0.1 on the right angle one
thatll be my claim to fame
I got 1.91 and made number two!!!
I should have gotten a better over all but I got a 7.1 on one of the equidistance...
@pixero said:
I got 1.91 and made number two!!!
I should have gotten a better over all but I got a 7.1 on one of the equidistance...
Congratulations Jan, you were number one when I signed on this morning.
My top score (1.87) fell off overnight (they only keep the results of the last 500 games), so pulling a screenshot like Chango70 did is the only way to preserve it for posterity.
I find the parallelogram the hardest and the circle the easiest, but I have zero-zeroed all of them at least once. Unfortunately, I am prone to finger twitches, so it's tough for me to get through a game without a total glitch...
[attachment=0:ood46uff]<!-- ia0 -->The eyeballing game.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:ood46uff]
Fun. I got a 3.56 on my first try. I kept expecting reference lines and my cursor to jump to the right spot. I wonder if SUers are really going to be good at this.