Improving IES plugin
I just had a look at the new beta IES plugin .
the idea behind it is great; the actual plugin still needs a great deal of improvement. but that is the positive thing about the word "beta". that means, we can help to develop this tool so that it is easy to use and blends seamlessly into the modeling worklfow.the first thing I had to discover is, that the script is incompatible with lines2tubes.rb, terrain_reshaper.rb and last but definitely not least progressbar.rb!
I have no idea, what can cause such a conflict, that the analysis functions of the IES plugin simply aren't working at all.
so that is one reason why I start this discussion. is it possible to trace such an error without too much effort or does one have to check the code line by line?another reason is to find better ways for the plugin to work. for example, at the moment you have to explode every group/component in the model. two sided walls are not supported at all. that means that with my rather detailed models (external and internal walls separated in groups, as well as every floor/roof. doors and windows are usually components and the glazing is 3D for better use with render engines lateron).
at the moment to use the IES plugin I have to redraw the whole model in a simpler version.some suggestions I have in mind would be:
- support of (even nested) grouping and components.
- ability to apply attributes to components/(groups), like insulation factor of a window
- support of physical representation of wall thickness (3D walls instead of single faced walls)
- perhaps even consideration of wall thickness into the calculation (less manual input needed)
I am sure some of these ideas may be quite difficult (nearly impossible) to realize. but thats why I started this thread - so we can discuss.
I really want this plugin to become useful, for it gives architects the chance to include a new level of awareness in regards to energy consumption into the design process.
@unknownuser said:
the script is incompatible with lines2tubes.rb, terrain_reshaper.rb and last but definitely not least progressbar.rb!
My fault
These script use a modified progressbar class. I'll publish patches asap.
Regards, -
From my experience the IES plugin is incompatible with a whole host of scripts. It gave me problems with zorro (as part of SubSmooth), SectionCutFace, as well as others i can't recall.
I have tried the plugin but cannot get it to function. It will not create the rooms. Maybe it is due to some of my existing plugins.
same happened to me Dylan. therefore I deleted all my rubies in the plugin folder and copied them in again separately, thus finding the ones that were not compatible.
I think most disturbing is, that the IES plugin conflicts with progressbar.rb, for this one is used by many other scripts...