Things that really piss you off
Still ... the point he makes about the dinosaurs and the nuclear codes sent a shiver down my spine.
Amigos, vote responsibly.
... whining about American politics is nice
, but let's not turn a blind eye on the situation in BelgiΓ«/La Belgique/Belgien.
Our federal government has been indulging in a somewhat distasteful ideological circle jerk for the past 15 months, rather than atcually running the country.
Pisses me off.
@remus said:
Boo, i genuinely cant work out another way of saying 'braun', please show me the error of my ways in simple phonetics
Alan is right, it is pronounced exactly like the color Brown.
Here is a short bio of him if you like:, if I ever heard someone mispronounce Braun and Nuclear in the same sentence I think my head would explode.
@alan fraser said:
Remus, it's "Brown". How do you pronounce Audi?
Howdy without the aitch.
For me, it's Brawn; Nike, rhyming with Bike; Adidas is add-i-dass, not a-dee-dass. If these companies want to tell me my pronunciation is wrong, they can go and take a running jump.
That was my point, John. If Braun is "Brawn" then Audi ought to be "Audey" and Strauss ought to be "Straws"
OK, this is turning into pedants corner, but while we're on the subject: "expresso", "pillow rice" (pilau rice) and not a mispronunciation, but just cringingly embarassing, the phrase (and thinking behind it) "freedom fries".
Yes, freedom fries is just daft. They should be called what they are...anorexic chips.
personally ive never really seen the need to distinguish between fries and chips, can their really be enough difference between 2 deep fried pieces of potato to warrant a new name?
Being poor (or not being rich, if you want to be more accurate.)
I keep seeing all these really shiny bike bits that would go rather nicely with my new bike, then i check my bank balance, then i lust after the bike stuff a bit more, an check my bank balance just to check no money has magically appeared. It is a sad state of affairs
Having burnt fingers