Lada 1600
Absolutely fantastic!
is it real time or some minutes for rendering?
looks great.
@kwick7 said:
Absolutely fantastic!
Thank you
@unknownuser said:
is it real time or some minutes for rendering?
About 5mins real time rendering with 2 cores running
very good job!!!
, I find it incredible the hypershot especially the integration it has with the HDRI images.
haha, very nice. whenever i see this type of sepia render, always remind of solo's rendering.
Thanks guys, yeh the ease of hdri integration is something special indeed. Easily my favourite renderer now. Here's another, a vw set in .. the early 90's?
Hypershot definetly has the edge on car renders, in fact anything shiny using HDR images.
I downloaded the Lada and rendered it using Vue and a HDR Image trying to come in at roughly the same time. No can do the best i could do was around nine minutes with quality right down (as can be seen)
So for such projects I have to agree there is a place for Hypershot and this is one of them. -
Wonderful prince! I have to find our national car(old version). I think it's a very bad looking car...and still can be found on the streets, if you believe it!
Stefan -
@solo said:
Hypershot definetly has the edge on car renders, in fact anything shiny using HDR images.
Not just shiny things in my opinion, I mightn't have many architectural examples to show (beyond what i've already posted in the gallery) but i'm confident hypershot can handle architectural scenes better than any other renderer (not including interiors that is). I think it's just a matter of mastering the app and maybe more importantly, having a huge and varied collection of suitable Hdri's at your disposal. In fact I wonder how difficult it is to make your own Hdri's... anyone know?
oh and thanks Stefan for hdr's again!
Hey Prince, check out this for HDR creation and manipulation. I've been using this a lot lately and just love it. For $55, you can't beat it.
@earthmover said:
Hey Prince, check out this for HDR creation and manipulation. I've been using this a lot lately and just love it. For $55, you can't beat it.
Thanks Earthmover, but lets say I want a full 360 degree environment with clouds right above me and grass right below my feet.. then what? My camera has live photo-stitching but what i've attached below is as good as i've done in terms of panorama-ing . My question is how do I take the photo
(right click 'view as')
@unknownuser said:
It depends on what it is you want to make. I believe what you are looking for is a way to make global environments. An HDRI is a different animal altogether but it can be used as a global environment in .hdr form. Bear in mind that all .hdr files do not have a dynamic fact most are just fakes...or just straight .jpgs converted to the .hdr format.
Aha, Thanks for clearing that up. Indeed a global environment is what I want to make. So what is the major advantage of creating a true HDRI with 24 f-stops or whatever the number is (apart from the fact that it is a more true perception of what we see)? How significantly will it effect the final render compared to a jpeg which has simply been hdr 'faked'?
@unknownuser said:
If you are building a .hdr for hypershot then open one of their .hdrs in an hdr reader such as "HDRshop" (it's free) There you can determine it's scale and the relative position of the horizen. You can also determine the method being used to fill the global environment with the image...i.e. mirrored ball, latitude/longtitude, lightprobe.
Right, I can do that, but then again the question is how do I take the photo with my camera?
@unknownuser said:
Once you have constructed the HDRI you can shape it based on the panoramic method used by your renderer.
How does one 'shape it'?
@unknownuser said:
I have been thinking about putting a tutorial together. I need to look closer at the various render's specs for inserting globals so I can make the tutorial more universal...cheers!!
That would be amazing and highly appreciated but I also understand how time consuming that may be for you. Anyway thanks very much for the lengthy reply modelhead
Ok so this is the type of image Hypershot uses. Again the question I think is how to take the photograph..
Thanks for the wealth of info modelhead. I'll give it a go and let you know..
princedragoncok your renders are great. I am only a noob at rendering.
It is legendary car and the render is nice!
Wonderful Render! Where do you find such nice Hdri's for the VW?
Yes, thanks Modelhead. Great explanation. I fee a lot better informed about HDRIs!