Barcelona Pavilion (redux)
Seeing all these renders of the Barcelona Pavilion made me give it a whirl in LightUp.
Lighting time was 1 minute 5 seconds. I've also posted a youtube vid here
too but the video encoding they do hasn't done it any favors on both color or resolution.EDIT: I've posted the model + textures I used on the LightUp website if you want to have a go.
Nice output, Adam.
LightUp definitely is maturing quickly.
The second part of the animation (=the textured walkthrough) is impressive. With a render time of just 1 minute, the result is very good.(the water, the glass reflections....)
Yes, I am convinced.
I am currently trying the software as well and hope to be posting some LightUp results myself.
As 'real time' rendering probably will be the future for archviz, this is already a good step in that direction for Sketchup. -
Hi Adam, I'd be interested to see how close a result lightUp can achieve when compared to v-ray. So if you'd like my model I'd be happy to give it to you for the experiment. Provided it came out comparable, I could touch it up in windows movie maker and make a nice video for your gallery. Let me know
Also does LightUp support HDRI's?
@pbacot said:
If you please. What's real time rendering? I have been doing searches but find it in context, but not described. How does it affect SU?
Real time rendering is a render that you are able to move around in real time. For example, my animation of the barcelona pavilion took 35hrs with 500+ stills, Adam's real time render took 2 minutes and then he can orbit around the rendered model all he wants from any angle
@princedragoncok said:
Hi Adam, I'd be interested to see how close a result lightUp can achieve when compared to v-ray. So if you'd like my model I'd be happy to give it to you for the experiment. Provided it came out comparable, I could touch it up in windows movie maker and make a nice video for your gallery. Let me know
Yes, sound like an interesting/fun experiment. But bare in mind vray and LU are not equivalent - they merely overlap somewhere.
This 1 minute render is the result of LU performing around 45,000,000 ray tests, single bounce and store results. Vray does it differently.Also - while I'm in 'caveat mode' - LU currently struggles with some kinds of curved surfaces - which v1.3 should address to a greater or lesser degree. I see your model has a bunch of stuff that might be 'interesting' for LU. Coincidently, I'm actually working on the code for that right now.
So do we meet at checkpoint Charlie at midnight and swap models?
@princedragoncok said:
Also does LightUp support HDRI's?
All the calculations are in done in a HDR space and then mapped back down to RGB at the end. So to that degree, yes. But as to importing HDR images/textures etc, no, not currently.
If you please. What's real time rendering? I have been doing searches but find it in context, but not described. How does it affect SU?
Great render, very peaceful with that nice light. How is the tile (paving/cladding) done, it all looks like it fits. Drawn or textures?Peter
princedragoncok has kindly lent me his model to do some comparison shots with his vray rendered version (see here)
Had a couple of problems with the model in LightUp. First thing that tripped me up was the stone desk its all sitting on - at around 2 kilometers by 1 kilometer in size (an allcomers record, surely) - it revealed a scale-dependant bug in LightUp. BTW Bug now fixed - with a commit revision number of 666 which made me smile!
The scalpel was modeled using back faces, as was parts of the mobile phone. Easily fixed.
I added a skybox too (which I think clashes a little...)
Lighting time around 2 minutes. [Rendering time 33.3 milliseconds.
ie These are stills from a 30 frames/sec realtime tour]
And here's the results:
Now that is really good.Maybe a little more specularity (reflectivity) for the wood will make it even more real.
Can't wait for the 'real time' animation, i.e walkthrough. -
Holy crap, so you can actually orbit around those renders in real time? These are much better results than I was expecting. Cannot wait to see this in motion..
@adamb said:
First thing that tripped me up was the stone desk its all sitting on - at around 2 kilometers by 1 kilometer in size (an allcomers record, surely) - it revealed a scale-dependant bug in LightUp. BTW Bug now fixed - with a commit revision number of 666 which made me smile!
Eh lol! sorry about that!
@adamb said:
I added a skybox too (which I think clashes a little...)
Although it may clash, for the moment it is an excellent replacement for HRDI - you just require a more suitable image that is not so blurred/skewed
Really promising overall though Adam
@adamb said:
Ironically I Gaussian blurred it just so it would feel out of the depth of field and not encroach.. sigh...
Sorry, completely the right idea, just too much imo.
Still really interested in seeing a screen capture of LightUp handling the scale model scene. The pictures look amazing!
Thank you!
@princedragoncok said:
Although it may clash, for the moment it is an excellent replacement for HRDI - you just require a more suitable image that is not so blured/skewed
Ironically I Gaussian blurred it just so it would feel out of the depth of field and not encroach.. sigh...
Here's a go at a night time shot - its kinda cool I think (Pity about the jpeg encoding artefacts in the starfields..)
And there's a very short ideo