I don't ask many favors, but I need some photoshop help
Perfection is certainly not needed. Doesn't even have to be close - just the impression of plaid with sort of the right colors.
Thanks Remus.
Here's a quickie Todd. I left your friend's glasses because that was easier for me and as you know - I'm lazy.
I used Xara Xtreme (vector illustration software) instead of photoshop.
Regards, Ross
Good Ross, but I think I like Remus' better.
I think a psuedo-plaid shirt will get it. Good job on the glasses!
So demanding todd
Last one todd, this is seriously pushing the boundaries of what is condsiered acceptable photo editing.
Larger version: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24273735@N03/2826485692/sizes/o/
That looks GREAT!!
OK, let me see - what shall it be... Shandy, or an iTunes gift card?
A picture of your beautiful face perhaps?
With skill
more seriously, i just copied the frame colour, painted a new bit of frame in the right shape then sampled/painted stuff that was originally behind the glasses in to the new shape.
Surely you could get more mileage with an iTunes gift card. PM me your email address. I can send it over the weekend.
No no, its free. Its the least i can do after youve written all those fantastically useful plugins.
You are too kind. Thank you!