The ever arrogant <wink> smiley
That example of yours seems a perfectly normal use of the wink, i've seen it use in the exact same way many times and never did I or any others felt that it was condescending or arrogant.
But how is it not a little condescending to correct someone and then wink like you know something they dont? How about a smile? Who wants to be winked at after they are corrected? Play it through in your mind. Savor the unsavory-ness of the arrogant wink. I bet I could do it in real life and you'd get see how awful it looks in my mind
Oh, I laugh at how silly I am about some things.....this is one of them,
maybe you should just ignore it
. I personally hate talking with people in writing especially girls
, but it's preffered than not at all, there are obvious drawbacks, i can make a joke and sound like i am being rude or God knows how else.You must understand that the smileys are used diffrently than human gestures and faces in real life, how many times do you roll your eyes or laugh similarly to a smiley? Some times people son't laugh when they hear something funny they just say or give a small smile instead of laughing. I frequently smile at certain funny things i read but put the laughing smiley on the response. It's a different form of expressing your self and different rules apply than when talking face to face. So that little wink guy is many times used as showing that you liked helping or giving advice to somebody else not arrogance.I think it would be easier to show arrongace by saying something like: " You don't know this!? I thought everybody knew it." than giving advice and put
Any way this was my rather large 2 cents...more like 4 cent:P
Hope you pass over your anti-winky stage.Cheery-O
AAAARRRRH!!! Who ye be callin' arrogant, ye scurvy dog?
haha, great topic Chris- never thought about the
so much, although I have wondered sometimes if I've used it appropriately. I am a
culprit; I guess my interpretation of it is that it is a smiling wink, such as one would use between very good friends in real life. To use your own example:
"Yup, and if you skipped this and this, you could do it in half the time and it would be better"
Without the
it feels abrupt, cold.... you might even imagine the author smirking
while hitting "post"! (now there's a smiley we don't need) However, to me it implies it was meant in a friendly buddy buddy way. Often I think the
can be used instead in the sense of "I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that, etc, etc"
The trouble with smileys is that it's never very clear whether the smiley represents the author or recipient or if they're being used sincerely or sarcastically. Otherwise a smiley based on this pic would be perfect for concluding corrections, but then that would really come over as condescending!
I completely take your point though that
can be seen as condescending, even sarcastic- in that sense perhaps we should just take the comical approach and complete corrections with
Wow, who knew there were so many winking animals out there? Maybe I just need to picture that pirate cat or the poor dog whose left ear always goes up when he winks instead of the conescending smile I currently envision.
::I'm thinking my head must be slightly mis-wired::
that is for sure a good tricky one, Alan
Here's an arrogant one...
and much more beauty than Fredericks
though Fredericks logo is unbeatable