Exterior Test render
Hi everybody,
I,ve made this Render is a test. Trying to achieve good exterior results. I think this one is a good beginning. My goal is to produce renderings that are acceptable for sale. Trying to start a 3D Design studio with a friend of mine. My friend is very good in moddeling, and I'm focussing on the artist Impressions. Can someone give me an idea on how much to charge for:
- Basic sketchup pics
- Basic sketchup animations
- Rendered pics
- Rendered animation
The problem is that a lot of small time real estate agents are working with a tiny margin. They ussualy get about 1% of the selling value. So it's difficult to ask to much for the pics and design.
I hope my English isn't too bad.
Greetings from Holland
i like the render, though you could improve it by adding some bump/specular maps.
the vegetation doesn't look very good.
which render engine are you using? -
Pugs, great job so far. I would suggest upping the scale of the textures on the rock and roof, so you don't that repeat. Are you using seamless textures?