Large SU Models and Google Earth
Probably a simple question but I will ask it anyways. I am a civil engineer developing a model of a proposed gondola system that covers approximately 16 miles. To create the model I went into sketch up and created a snapshot from Google Earth of the beginning point, then I did the same for a point about halfway along its length, and finally at the termiation point (ski resort at the end of the gondola. I then went to each of the snapshot and created a circle, extruded it up to 50' so that it looked like a pole, and then finally drew a line between all three poles to roughly represent the gondola wires between poles. I then tried to publish it to Google Earth and when I did, the pole locations came into Google Earth in totally unexpected places.
I assume this has to do with the curvature of the Earth and how it is modeled in GE, versus sketch-up which is probably based on a planar coordinate system. Does anyone know how to create a model like I am describing above so that everything is imported into GE correctly?
Thanks for your help!
the correct way to locate your sketchup model in GE is to use the "Google" toolbar. You must use have both google earth and sketchup open at the same time, go to GE, find a view that has the area of work, and them import that into sketchup using the toolbar. This will give you a scaled image on which you will place your model just like you would like to see it in GE (make sure its scaled properly). Make sure to toggle the terrain on so that you can locate the poles on the Z axis correctly. after you locate the features where they need to be, you can export the model to a .kmz file that you can view in google earth. Here is a video from the 3D basecamp that does a geat job of describing how this is supposed to work.Its a long video, but i recommend watching the whole thing if u can.