Add your own...
gai, i dont actually smoke at all
i put it down to haivng lived in a town where everyone else smokes (not tobacco) for the best part of my life.
You want to put that where? and do what with it?
"Well my wife did want a car pool." -
A very graphic way to emphasize the amount of gallons per mile the average American SUV/ Van consumes.
The opening ceremony of The Who reunnion tour gets under way.
"I told you having the Mythbusters as neighbors would not be a good idea."
She said it was MY fault for building the pool that close to the garage
well done Joe ,
it looks much better over there. good job. -
Bennet gets a new toy for the koi pond.
-I told u to hide the car,not to put it in the swimpool!!!!!
-But the cops,didn t seen it!!
(Thieves) -
I think it's time for a new pic.
-Hey,honey,u forgot to flush the toilet.
...mammy i got my right foot trapped... -
"...and that my son is where kids come from"
Michael "toilet boy" phelps had a difficult start, but he would soon rise to conquer the world of competitive bathing.
If you noticed the bath is full of crap, so bathing in the crapper may be the only option.
This week on CSI. (Crying Scene Investigation).