Is their an individual in you? doubt it.
J1mmy (GoD),
I asked a simple question and got a convoluted answer with a sprinkling
of insults thrown in for good measure, just like a spoilt child would
respond. I really feel sorry for you having to act this way. I truly
mean that.You state 'These are my terms so accept them or man up and push the
button you chump. Until then I will do as I please.'So be it J1mmy, carry on. The only further response you will get from
me and I'd imagine from any of the SketchUcation Forum Members is either
this '' or this ' '. The latter is NOTHING. The only way to
make you act in a friendly and responsible way is to ignore you NOT ban
you as you will no doubt re-enter via a back door.So J1mmy as I said, carry on as you please and make a bigger fool of
yourself. The pity is that I imagine you could possibly make a valuable
contribution if only you held a civil tongue in your head.Mike
@stu said:
Wow, things are hotting up!!
What I'd really like to see though is GoD V Frank Salinas!!!
[With GaryR50 as the Ref.]
I would pay good money to watch that one, Baby!!!
It would make The Alien V The Predator look like a kids bedtime story!!
I have to agree with you Stu ..... I'd pay for ring side seats also
Mike you of all people I would have never thought would reduce yourself to just another one of them. So Mike can I interest you in a debate?
GoD -
The fact remains that this is a SketchUp community forum and J1mmy has yet to produce, discuss or even hint of the use of said program at all. He did not a year ago nor is he now. The only visible reason he is here is to stir up the pot with playground bully tactics. There are enough people here that we will most likely see a cock fight. And I think Kris should come back to be on the judges seat. Kris if you are reading this chime in. You are not a moderator anymore so you don't have to hold back
Eric 'awaits childish response' boofred Lay.
I did not know we were playing a game.
It seems to me you are playing by yourself.@goon of doom said:
The fact remains that I use SU every day.
Great. I am glad to know you are not just a guy looking for a fight somewhere on the internet.
So I ask you sincerely, why are the majority of your posts about name calling and putting other people down? Why not contribute to this community; if not by your own work then by answering other’s questions & discussing tips or techniques? Why not recognize good work when it presents itself (obviously not mine)rather than hanging out in the bar insulting people?
I am genuinely curious.
OK perpetual buck Private Eric has just stepped on a mine.
You think you know me? Your powers of perception are... wrong. sound familiar?
The fact remains that I use SU every day. Nearly would be more accurate. My use of the program is not in the design sense but more for layout, window & door alignments reflected ceilings, lighting layouts etc... I do not use the power of the program to attempt to dazzle another like you have done in the Sketchup challenge submittals. I will leave that to those who truly have the right stuff. And you ma man as near as I can tell have got a long way to go. If you make a living with it you are a fraud. If you consider yourself remotely as a creative you are lying to yourself. You is or you aint and you aint. Oh and yes I do consider myself as an artist in every day living.Look hay seed If you think for a moment that your postings on the GALLERY all 1 of them with 5 replies (none positive) are worthy of clients or are up to speed with so many others you are living in a fantasy world as ambiguous as your ever changing avatar. If you are not humbled you should be. So what exactly does make you such an expert within our ranks? Surely it cannot be your proficiency with the program. So where were you on the original SU Forum? I'll tell you you were not born yet brother come lately.
I can assure you however that I have been on SU since its infancy and I will continue to apply its use to my craft whenever it will produce a clear result. You see young man it has many uses. If this response in any way sounds "childish" as a 3 year old to you? Well... 3 year olds never lie... That is learned behavior. Perhaps evolution at work so long ago just like your chromag cousins?
We have been down this road before you & I the end result will always remain the same. Checkmate. You ma man really are way out gunned.
Feel better now that you have got what you asked for Captain America? In my neck of the woods the word for you is Dorkhoo-raa
GoD -
What would you like to talk about? This topic is on individuality. Would you like to discuss. Monster truck racing?, bass fishin, clam diggin or dear hunting? any topic will do.
GoD -
Well I thought my question was pretty specific. I thought I was asking you about your individuality.
Let me word it differently. On the topic of individuality, what makes your individual nature prone to insulting other individuals?
Furthermore, what qualifies you to judge others based on what you have seen on this forum? You come from nowhere and start a thread that is a direct attack on the members here yet you have no positive contributions to your name(s) here. What are you expecting to achieve?
And again, I am not attacking, just trying to understand your individuality since you brought it up.
Hasn't this thing played itself out by now????
@goon of doom said:
Me silencing them. But not as Jackson has suggested. He knows better than anyone, he has gone up against me and went down in flames storming out whining about how his fragile psycie was damaged. Then rallied to have me banned and lost. again. I think you should nominate him.
Yawn. So by me not entering into a public debate with you I "went down in flames"? You think that because someone chooses to cease trying to reason with someone who is unreasonable that you have "won"- now that's delusional. I'm smart enough to know that discussion with you is pointless as you don't stop until you get the last word and your posts inevitably degenerate into insults, boasts, etc. Re: me "storming out" and "whining" and rallying to have you banned? Kind of a huge leap of imagination there Jimmy. Jeez, I've bumped into a couple of school bullies from my childhood over the years and they'd managed to develop mature social skills by their early twenties but you're still getting your kicks by calling people names in your 40s.... and even then only by hiding behind a pseudonym.
My friends, he's just a pwning griefer....a goon. He hides his actual identity and then goes to online communities to cause grief and sling insults because it gives him jollies. Like I said, he's a Something Awful, Kyanka wannabe. Very sad.
He's here to cause grief and it makes him feel better about himself.
Ignore him and he loses.
We're all here to help each other, and he is not. Don't let him rile you up...Second Life is where his kind usually gets his jollies, but he's decided to pick on a bunch of folks here.
- CraigD
@goon of doom said:
Well... 3 year olds never lie...
That's because 3-year-olds are still so egocentric they truly believe whatever they think : is!
(Like hollering "checkmate" after knocking the chessboard on the floor actually wins the game :`)
Bruce...great hobby-horse: but no "ears" to hold onto :~(
To paraphrase: "all the threads in the corner bar are boring and predictable"
Bruce, wow: knew that (thought I'd typed that :`) Wrong thread to admit to a senior moment...but there it is.
Didn't notice the tail: ours lost it's the first day my grandad brought it over from his workshop. For that matter, now that the image is clear again in my head: ours didn't have "ears" either, just a hole in the head where the dowel used to be...but that worked just fine as well (well enough to rock across the rug and onto the hardwood for a lickin' :`)
Did you use an HDRI background for that hobby horse Bruce? The horse is really well integrated into it's context- at first glance I thought the whole scene was a photo, at second glance I thought the whole scene was modelled and rendered and only on close inspection it seems that the objects on the floor are modelled and rendered against a spherical background. Which render prog did you use?
@remus said:
To paraphrase: "all the threads in the corner bar are boring and predictable"
ah . ..yes. .. but not this thread of course. . ..
All right goon of doom, it seems you like to revert back and add more content to your previous posts...
@goon of doom said:
...If you think for a moment that your postings on the GALLERY all 1 of them with 5 replies (none positive) are worthy of clients or are up to speed with so many others you are living in a fantasy world...
Take the time to do a search and you will see that I have more than just one submission in the Gallery. Am I praising myself for how great I think I am? Not at all. There are far better SU users on this forum and abroad than myself but I am proud of what I have accomplished. Here is one such model (not that I expect you to look at it): of doom said:
So where were you on the original SU Forum? I'll tell you you were not born yet brother come lately.
I was all over the old forum. I've been using SU since V2. However I don't remember seeing you there but maybe that is because I did not check out the Corner Bar much. Only every so often.
So, back to my questions on the topic you wanted to discuss, the topic you started: individuality.
- What makes your individual nature prone to insulting others? Why do you do it? What are you expecting to achieve?
- What qualifications do you have to judge other individuals here?
@goon of doom said:
You think you know me? Your powers of perception are... wrong.
Here is your chance. Enlighten me (us). Who is goon of doom? Give us the facts. Fill us in.
Instead of just causing riots, I'd rather see one of your poems or hear some of your music.
At least we would have a decent subject to discuss.Marcel Duchamps got to be a great artist with an urinoir.
I think it's time you show us yours.(By the way, I have the greatest respect for Duchamps).