Cloth tool in sketchup?
would it maybe be possible to make a ruby script... just like the clot tool in max...? Or is something like that already on the market for sketchup???
Welcome to SCF Dirk (is your 'k' key stuck?
Anyway, could you elaborate a little more on your request, we may already have a solution.
uhh yes thats what happend.... no yoke
In MAX you have a tool to let for example. A plane fall over an object like char/bed/etc.... Or letting an towel fall on a bed. To get this effect. I was wondering if that is also possible for sketchup..?
Not to my knowledge is there a ruby like that available, I for one would love something like tha in SU (hint).
The only solution right now it to use the Max drape tool and export the .3ds geometry into SU (maybe try reduce polys with a third party app before import)There is however a ruby called 'Subdivide and smooth' that's available at which can be used to achieve such results, but it will take some playing with to understand how to create proxy's in the form you require.
Itd be pretty sweet to have a cloth engine, but i reckon its probably going to stay in the realm of dreaming, its a pretty advanced animation technique imo, and SU isnt really an animation program.
We can always dream.
maybe done like this....
a shameless plug for 'you know who'.....
"SU isn't really an animation program" I have to say that I do not agree, whit this quote... Sketschup is a versatile program multipurpose .. And many GOOD Render engines(Vray/Maxwell/Fray) are getting on board of the sketchup train...
So I believe sketchup will also grow to a good animation program.
regards, Dirkkkk
Modelling and animation are 2 very different beasts.
Currently SU is not capable of animation in any real sense, and it would take a very big step for this to happen, and to be honest i dont think it will happen. SU is foremost an archviz program, and i think it will stay that way unless something very drastic happens over at google HQ.
Saying that, i certainly wouldnt complain if SU did start to move towards animation.
I´m looking for a tool like dirk do!. It's not necesary to animate at all. I think It could be a kind of tool that conform a surface on another object. Its like a displacement map but using a 3d object to deform the plane surface.
to make clothes over the character´s bodies is usefull to use the push/pull (JVN) ruby plugin, .
You can use the FFD pluging to adjust que cloth over the body, I use the scale and move tool too. But is very hard to do. The best way is working on a simetrical half of aN object. You can make a component of it, duplicate and invert (flipping over an axe. adjust one part to the other and you only have to work in a half to see changes in the other at the same time. It´s easier to work on the whlole model at he time.
I´m sorry but I very bad at english!
I think wacov already had a quick go at that:
Not quite on the same scale as your suggesting though, seems to work though.
wouldnt it be possible to make a ruby that would take a mesh (like a dress or some kind of garment) and place all the necessary sketchy physics joints needed to allow the mesh to be "dropped" onto a surface like a bed or couch???
How can you take Wacov's example and apply it to an actual cloth looking mesh? I wonder if there is a way to use a dynamic component to resize the physics components to automatically add in the necessary extra springs and such.
Adam, i tihnk the problem you would have with making a cloth DC as you describe would be getting the joints to join. In sketchyphysics you need to use the joint tool to connect joints to groups, and obviously this isnt currently possible from DCs, maybe one day though...
There might be a physX SDK toolto import into SU. It could cause problems, maybe? It would be nice for sketchy physics.
dream about real stuff in sketchup heheh no