A Fun Little Game, Part the Third
Granted, but u just got banned from flying an airplane for the rest of your life.
I wish i knew what to wish for
Granted, but you can't post such perversity here.
I wish Chuck Norris worked here, so he can roundhouse those who annoy us.
Granted, but now he thinks YOU are annoying.
I wish i had a million dollars
Granted, but its tied up in stocks of a rim tape company.
I wish i could go to glastonbury festival.
Granted, but when you arrive, you find out it was last week.
I wish sometimes i could just "let go."
Granted but now you have two broken legs.
I wish I had enough time to accomplish all I want to this week.
Granted, you accomplish everything you wanted.... but sadly not what you needed.
I wish my client on current project would make up his mind and stop changing the plans every 5 minutes.
Granted, but they settled on a god awful design that is doomed to failure.
I wish the radio stations in itunes where better organised.
Granted but now all they offer is a highly organized collection of "The Girl From Impanema" by various artists.
I wish I could accomplish all that I need to this week.
Granted, but by the time the weekend arrives, your so exhausted you can't enjoy it. And, before you know it, it is Monday....and you get to do it all over again.
I wish Eric didn't have to work so hard.
Granted, but you offered to do all his projects for free.
I wish i was more able to enjoy my spare time.
Granted, but all your spare time is 5 minutes.
I wish these wishes didn't have drawbacks
Granted, but they have repurcussions instead.
I wish I could come up with an iron-clad wish.
Granted, but then someone comes up with an iron clad response.
I wish there wasnt that weird transition period after you get out of bed where your not quite awake but your not quite asleep either.
Granted, except now you will find other ingenious ways of kicking your shin / toes against furniture.
I wish clients would quit quibbling over fees.
Granted, but they knocked you down to below your normal price.
I wish it would stop raining.
Granted, but now it's hail.
I wish I hadn't been up 'til 3 AM.
Granted, but you woke up at 3AM.
I wish i had some spare time to make a box to story my playing cards in.
Granted but you can't open the box once its closed, you have to wait for the chosen one
I wish that Monday just gone, I could have looked round the Autodesk offices in Farnborough, Hampshire
Granted, but they made you pay a subscription fee first.
I wish it would stop raining (again!)