2-pt-perspective + PhotoMatch???
This question stems loosely from the Corner Bar discussion on "Other PhotoMatch Software."
Is there/could there be a Ruby to help match a model to a non-orthagonal photo?
Here's what I mean... Photomatch is a great tool, but a lot of what I do is in open fields where there are no buildings to reference a 90-degree corner from. There are sometimes features of the site, however, (distant houses, powerlines, an existing road) that could be used to create a make-shift 2-pt perspective. I'm aware of Smustard's 2ptPerspective.rb, although I haven't used it yet. I think it will do what I'm talking about here with lots of trial and error (ie. set a 2-pt scene, export to photoshop and overlay, go back to SU and adjust the location and re-export, repeat). I've done this same trial and error method to match models to other photos using the standard camera tools, and it's a huge pain. Would it be possible to write a script that referenced points in the photograph to create the 2-pt perspective? I've emailed Google for an answer to this, but I'm afraid they're going to come back with a "No, you can't do that...yet" response. Any thoughts?
an idea to evade exporting > importing in ps > changing > exporting again... popped immediately into my mind:
why don't you import the image you want to match as a watermark (slightly transparent)? then you could adjust the view much more easily.
but you are right. some new photomatch features would be nice, so that we truly can use this tool...
Oh, that's a great idea. I'll definitely try it, while I wait for a Ruby or updated Photomatch in 7.x.
Wyatt -
Why don't deform the photo in a 2D prog before?
Deform it how? I'm not sure I follow.
Let's see theses links
try to find : Lens_correction.rb ( thanks to the author)or with an external program ( to perform before using SketchUp )
http://research.graphicon.ru/image-processing/gml-image-undistorter-2.htmlor this one ( but limited in use )
http://www.epaperpress.com/ptlens/MALAISE friendly